Fit Mom Approved

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sugar Junkie Blog by Rebecca Hill. New Year's Resolutions

Okay, it’s time for New Year’s resolutions!

But before I go in to that, I want to apologize to my friend, Mamatha, for quoting her incorrectly in last week’s blog. In my desire to understand the things that have happened in my life recently, I projected. I wrote that Mamatha told Santa she wanted to learn “patience and understanding.” This morning I happened to look at her photo again, and saw that what she actually said was that she wanted to learn “patience and ACCEPTANCE.”

Understanding vs. Acceptance; there’s a big difference in those two words and I’ve been thinking about it for hours as Tom and I did 9 loads! of laundry today. UNDERSTANDING means that you’re still seeking to comprehend a situation so it makes sense on a logical level. ACCEPTANCE means being at peace with a situation, whether you understand it or not.

With all of the changes that have happened in my life, I really contemplated that today. And I’m going to borrow (okay, flat out steal) part of Mamatha’s “Santa wish” and turn it into my New Year’s resolution.

So, my New Year’s resolution is to learn to find acceptance even if I don’t understand a situation. Acceptance – that “what is” …is. That’s resolution #1.

Resolution #2 is EVEN HARDER! In 2011, I vow to learn to love the squat machine at Curves!

I asked some other women what their New Year’s resolutions were:

Careen from Atlanta said, “My resolution is to start exercising and eating better. I bought my husband and myself a 2-month membership on Groupon to a gym. For $35 we get 8 personal training sessions, a meeting with a nutritionist and access to the gym for 2 months. I figured that was a GREAT deal for $35. I think it's all about getting into a routine.”

Here in Los Angeles, Griffin said her New Year’s resolution is “to run a half marathon!! And volunteer more :)”  (Griffin has already done some volunteer teaching in Africa so cheers right back at you, Griffin!)

Cynthia said, “I resolve to take better complete care of myself - physically and psychologically.  I plan to consider "Me First".  Not in a selfish way, but in a way that will help those I come in contact with on a daily basis.  If I take better care of myself, I can be better to all those I care for and interact with (esp. my beloved David).  I plan to give myself good nutrition, loving encouragement, and time for myself.  I believe positive happiness is contagious.   (Just as negative feelings can run rampant too.)  Why not start, foster, and nurture the inside first and bubble over to the everything else?!”

And Suzanne said, “I don’t usually make resolutions - but I do take stock of the year behind and think of ways I want the next year to look - I keep the things that worked well for the year and think about shifting other things that didn’t seem to benefit my life. Last year I did something different with my friend Emily- we thought up 3 resolutions for each other which was fun too- one of hers for me was to do another gardening class- which I did and loved!”

I love that: assigning New Year’s Resolutions to each other! Kiana, can you kick off this conversation by “assigning” a New Year’s Resolution to all of us? Something obtainable but that would definitely benefit our lives? (And while you’re at it, what’s your New Year’s Resolution?)

Anyone else? We’d love you to share your New Year’s resolutions with us so we can be inspired, awed or amused. (I hear you laughing at my resolution but I really do think I can learn to love that darn squat machine! I think I can…I think I can…I think I can…I KNOW I can!)  ;-)

Happy New Year y’all! I hope 2011 is a good year for all of us!


  1. Hi Fit Moms! I am so excited for the New Year! It's a clean slate, a fresh start, sort of like a brand new gym bag or big tote. You can fill it with anything you want! Well, if you read my blog from a couple days ago, you already know my long list of Resolutions. But, and there's always a big butt, IF I had to only pick 1 resolution, it would have to be "to get more sleep." Ironic as I type this comment at 12:30 am having gotten up at 6 am to let our poor doggie in from the pouring rain....

    My biggest challenge as a mom and wife is juggling all the things I need to do for my businesses, home, blah, blah, blah. It seems that I am the most productive when the kids are asleep and I can work uninterrupted.


    As for you, my fabulous Moms around the world, here is 1 resolution I would LOVE for you to make:

    Workout with me online at 2-3 days per week.

    I will be posting 10 minute, online weekly workout videos and 1 minute daily video tips. I will show you exactly what I do when I workout at home and my personal health and fitness tips, too!

    The most important component to a successful workout routine is that it IS A ROUTINE.

    The new Fit Tips are live now on the right side of the Blog. I posted a Cold Turkey Secret Weapon to help remove the temptation to eat cookies, cakes and anything else that tempts you. It really works.

    The Workout Videos at the start of the New Year! We can all workout and post our results and how we are doing and support each other! Sound like a plan?

    I am developing some brand new exercises and routines you will love (and hate.) Rebecca...I even have a new and fun squat exercise just for you!

    So check back everyday for my Video Fit Tips and to be notified when the Workouts are LIVE!

    Happy New You everybody! Love and muscles,


    Psst..I promise I will go to bed now!

  2. I must admit it has been years since I have made a New Year's Resolution, but here goes. Since I already lead a fairly healthy lifestyle (except of course for my issues with sugar!), I tried to think of a more appropriate resolution. I already run marathons regularly, and exercise a lot, so that won't work. My sister, who is reading over my shoulder, has hit the nail right on the head with her suggestion. She suggested that I resolve to run a marathon and actually ENJOY it instead of pushing myself to attain a new personal best. In the journey towards being physically fit, I think so many of us push ourselves so hard to maintain a particular weight, or to wear a certain size that we forget that fitness should be fun.

  3. My 2011 Resolutions:

    Be green. Slow down. Eat right. Exercise daily. Don't sweat the small stuff.


  4. Hi Cathy! Okay that is one of the BEST resolutions I have heard. You are so right...."enjoy the journey" instead of focusing on the goal. Excellent. This will now be one of my resolutions, too (wow my list is getting long!?) Side note: After creating "Kiana's Flex Appeal" ESPN and when it became the #1 rated show, working so much....I stopped one day and realized I didn't have a family yet and was working everyday. I was so focused on the goal, I didn't really enjoy the ride. This time, while re-creating the new shows, I am really trying hard to savor every step along the way and have FUN doing it! Thanks for sharing your resolution and your sister is right! XO KIana

  5. Hi, Kiana! Thanks for helping us with some New Year's resolutions. I LOVE the 1 minute "Fit Tip" videos now posted on the right hand side of this blog. Considering getting the "Magic Bullet" you mention to make smoothies - also love the recipes you've been making and am going to try some of them. Thank you for allowing me to write a blog on your website - it's been fun and helps me focus on my decisions re: what I eat (and why I eat it.) Looking forward to continuing in 2011. I hope this is a great year for you and your family! xo, CB (Rebecca)

  6. I agree - that is an awesome resolution to actually "enjoy the journey!" Thanks so much for taking time to post a comment, Cathy! Your sister sounds pretty wise ...tell her we want to hear what HER New Year's resolution is too! xo, Rebecca

  7. Love all 5 of these resolutions, Mamatha! I will definitely join you in these resolutions - they'll most certainly lead to a great 2011 (for us and the environment) if we can follow them! xo, Rebecca


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