Fit Mom Approved

Monday, December 27, 2010

Countdown to 2011. This Fit Mom’s Resolutions. Kickstart the New Year & Join Me for Online Weekly Workouts

Happy New YOU everyone! 2011 is almost here.....What are your New Year's Resolutions?

What a roller coaster ride this year has been, just last year at this time.....after taking time off to start a family, I decided to re-enter the tv and fitness biz.  Trying to juggle 3 businesses, start 2 new ones, caring for the kids, taking care of the house...etc.....and the kids now 8 and 4 are needing more and more of my patience each day.

So that is my 1st resolution:

  • To be more patient. More deep breaths and self induced time outs when the kids get to me.

More resolutions (I am ambitious, I know!?)

  • To try a new fresh juice recipe once per week using different fruits and veggies (I'll share these with you and post the videos & blogs online - so you can try them too! Besure and join my email list and check back often for the videos & posts!)

  • De-clutter. Toss anything we haven't used in a year and donate it to charity. I believe that if your space is cluttered, so is your mind.

  • Not to be so hard on myself when I don't finish 150% of my "to do list." and...NOT to add more to my "to do list" when I do finish it!? I need to realize that I can only do my very best and need to be very proud of myself when I do it

  • To get to bed by 10 pm every night and sleep until 6am. (this will be a real challenge. I seem to get the most done for my work when the kids are asleep and the chores are done.)

  • To hug and kiss my kids and hubby more than I already do

  • To walk and run my loyal dogs 3 times per week

  • Film the remake of "Kiana's Flex Appeal" for Fox Sports Network,  write a Fit Mom Book and develop 2 new Video Blogs

  • Lastly...To workout more, eat healthfully and drink lots of water..... Oh wait, I already do that one...YES! (a little Fit Mom humor)

  • and...Bring weekly workouts to so millions of Moms worldwide can get on a regular workout schedule and train with me online!

As I was typing this blog, the kids asked me what resolutions were. I explained it to them and asked them to share theirs with you. Here they are:

My 8 year old's resolutions are:

  • to remember when my Mommy says to do something

  • not argue with Mommy, Daddy & my sister

  • not be so bossy

  • keep my room cleaner

  • eat more healthy fruit

  • remember to do my chores without Mommy asking me 5 times (okay I added the "without Mommy asking me 5 times part")

My 4 year old's resolutions are:

  • to remember to feed my dog and give him water

  • keep my room clean

  • take my dishes over after dinner

  • not argue with my sister

  • pick up my toys after I play with them

What are your resolutions this year? I'd love to hear!

Suggested New Year's Resolution #1:

Workout with Kiana & online!

Weekly Workout videos & posts will be uploaded for you at

You will be able to workout with me using the following suggested gear.

My Weekly Workouts will help you:

  • improve your entire body and mental well being

  • get on a regular workout program

  • incorporate fitness into your daily routine

  • make healthier choices

  • burn fat & calories

  • tighten and tone your entire body

  • flatten your stomach

  • shape your arms

Sound good? Then get ready because 2011 is going to be GREAT!

Here is the Fitness Gear I will be using in my Home Workouts. Click on the links in the pictures to be taken directly to each product.

  • Gymboss Interval Timer: Perfect for busy moms to stay on track and maximize your time working out.

  • Sandbag: Order the USB Power Package, it's ideal for women. Psst...If you want to get one for your hubby get the USB Strength Package for men. (the Burly package is for strongmen and competitive athletes.)

  • Reformer: This is a versitile piece of gear for core strength

Get yours today so you will be ready! See you in 2011!


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1 comment:

  1. Kiana - I love your New Year's resolutions and your kids' New Year's resolutions! If everyone achieves their resolutions, I'm sure 2011 will be a fantastic year for you and your family! xo, CB


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