Fit Mom Approved

Monday, February 28, 2011

Top Exercise for Busy Moms. I do this exercise every day!

Here is one of my favorite exercises I do every day, Squats! I love squats because they tighten and tone your thighs, butt and strengthen your core. 

I do alot of exercises with free weights. Why? Because they give the fastest results. Free weights require your muscles and body to control the weight as opposed to training on a machine, where you follow the track of the machine. You get more benefits, a tighter core and it's much more convenient. You can get a few pairs of dumbbells and do dozens of exercises. 

Here is one of my all time favorites. SQUATS.

How to do squats:

This exercise can be done with or without a weighted object.


This exercise can be done with or without a weights.

Starting position: Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, toes pointing forward, core tight, shoulders retracted (pulled back and pressed down), head neutral (looking straight ahead.)

The motion:

From this position, squat down as if you were going to sit in a chair. When your upper legs or thighs are parallel to the ground, exhale as you push up through your heels and inhale as you return to starting position. Repeat 20 times.

Go Fit Moms!
Point toes outward to focus on toning the inner thighs.

Visit GET FIT for more Exercises and Fitness Tips!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sugar Junkie Blog by Rebecca Hill. Making a Big, Small (or flat out weird!) Contribution to Society? Tell Us About It!"

February 20, 2011

In this week’s blog I want to explore Deepak Chopra’s question, “Is there a contribution I can make to my community or to society?”

Like I said last week, the reason I want to explore questions like this one and “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” is that I believe if we can find enough silence in our lives to hear our souls answer these questions, then I think we will lean less on food for emotional support. I mean, seriously - who needs a Butterfinger if you actually know what your purpose in life is, right!?!


Kiana's Fit Cooking Show: Asian Cucumber Salad & Edamame Hummus in 10 minutes

Hi everyone! Here is the newest "Kiana's Fit Cooking" show with guest Chef, Eldon Pico, Executive Chef and winner of the Iron Chef Competition.

Join us and watch us make 2 healthy, easy and delicious recipes: Cucumber Asian Salad & Edamame Hummus. Both recipes require few ingredients and both take under 10 minutes~



1 large English Cucumber sliced

1/2 small diced red onion

seasoned rice wine vinegar (in Asian section of supermarket)

fresh dill or dried dill

stevia (natural plant extract that tastes like sugar)


Add to sliced cucumbers:

1 Tbs. - 2 Tbs. rice wine vinegar, red onions, 1 tsp. / large pinch dill, level tsp. stevia.

Let salad sit and let flavors combine.


Soybeans: the most complete protein, the "wonder food!"

Ingredients / Directions:

To blender, add:

1/2 cup shelled soybeans/edamame

1 Tbs. minced garlic

2 Tbs. lemon juice

1 tsp. cumin

pinch of salt and pepper

drizzle of organic olive oil

Tip: Serve with cruditae, pita, veggies, toast points, chips, bread.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sugar Junkie Blog by Rebecca Hill: Defining What You Want and Searching for Purpose

February 13, 2011

Hello, friends! Thank you again to those who were able to make it out to my Chicken Soup for the Soul; Shaping the New You book signing at Barnes & Noble last weekend, and to those who sent well wishes and were there in spirit!

photo by: Suzanne Campbell

With the book signing behind me, I’m now looking forward to returning to the questions raised by Deepak Chopra in an article I read a few months ago. (Again, the reason we're exploring Deepak Chopra's questions on a health & fitness website is that I really believe that being able to contemplate and answer the questions he poses will help us minimize our desire to turn to food for emotional comfort.) My friend, Suzanne, sent me the article as New Year’s Eve was approaching and we were all discussing our New Year’s Eve resolutions on this blog. To remind everyone, here is one of the questions that the LA Times asked Deepak Chopra:

Do you think there’s a way for people to make their resolutions stick?

Deepak Chopra answered:

Yes. I think if they go beyond motivation and find true inspiration, then the resolutions will stick. So for me it’s to go to a deeper level, and that’s why I place so much importance on this idea of silence. I’m not saying everybody should do it, but even if you took five, 10 minutes of quiet time every day or every other day or once a week and asked yourself simple questions like, who am I? What do I want? What is my life’s purpose? Is there a contribution I can make to my community or to society? What kind of relationships do I want to have? What is my idea of well being, and how can I achieve it?

We explored the question “Who am I?” on this blog a few weeks ago, so this week I’d like to focus on his questions of “What do I want?” and “What is my life’s purpose?”

It’s hard to even contemplate these questions while frantically rushing from work, to chauffeuring kids to soccer practice, to ballet practice, to grocery shopping, to making food, to going to bed, to getting up early, to trying to find time to exercise …but, if we can’t find a few minutes of silence now – then when? Living in LA, I sometimes sit in traffic for what seems like an eternity. I thought that maybe the 20 minutes I spend sitting on the 405 would be the perfect time to contemplate these questions but when I tried that,  I kept coming up with answers like “I want…THESE CARS TO MOVE!” and “My purpose is…TO GET TO WORK ON TIME! COME ON YOU GUYS – LET’S MOVE IT!” Not exactly what Deepak (or I) had in mind so I thought I’d turn the reigns over to others to see if they had better luck answering these questions with a calmer presence of mind and more depth.

I started with Kiana. She said:

Great question – really made me stop and think…. What I want out of life is good health, true happiness, affection from my kids, career fulfillment, laughter every day, love, no pressure or stress; for my children to grow up with good values, positive attitudes and have a love for health and fitness too.

My purpose in life is to be a leader and a role model for my kids, family and millions of people around the world.

Then I asked Kiana’s mother, Marilyn. “Mom Tom” said:

What I want out of life is to be happy and content and to be loved by my family and friends. I want enough money to live comfortably (but not a garish lifestyle.) To enjoy my value system of life and living and pray that more people will have a value system of goodness and kindness and that children will be instilled with the golden rule of life.

Mom Tom said that she felt her desires were “basic” but that that was the way her “wonderful dad was – basic” and that that is how she is as well.

Kiana and I have a friend named Julie who was Kiana’s wardrobe stylist on ESPN’s    “Kiana’s Flex Appeal.” (And for those of you who’ve read my story “Cheeseburger in Paradise” in Chicken Soup for the Soul; Shaping the New You – Julie was my roommate – the one who busted me for sneaking cheeseburgers while we were shooting in Maui.)

Anyway, Julie who is a mother of two said:

What I want out of life is: To be healthy is number one, I cannot help anyone else unless mom is healthy first. You also cannot be completely happy and enjoy life unless you are healthy first!

My purpose is to recover my son from Autism and to help find a cure for his Immunodeficiency. Life becomes really worth living when you are in it for someone else!

I also explored this question with Kiana’s mother-in-law, Carol.

Carol said:

What I want out of life is a peaceful and joyful existence. With peace and joy all the rest comes naturally. For the last 5 years I have had to overcome some pretty major hurdles. The best revenge is to be happy and that is what I am going for.

My purpose in life is to be the best and most honest person I can be. I have been blessed with great kids, a great family, and wonderful, dear friends.

It is time now to give back so I am in pursuit of some type of volunteer work where I can do just that.

Life is too short to waste and there is still so much that needs to be done.

All soulful answers and clearly these women have found a few moments of stillness to contemplate these questions, knowing that their answers will (quite possibly) guide their destinies.

I tend to think best as I’m writing so let me try to contemplate these questions again here tonight:

What I want out of life is …okay I’m stuck already…

New approach: Let me fantasize about what I’d do if I won the lottery. Let’s say like $2 million (but not $30 million) – enough so I could have anything I wanted but not everything I wanted. Let’s play the “Genie in the Bottle game” – if I could have 3 ‘want wishes’ they would be:

1.     That Tom and I could devote 100% of our lives to trying to make art. He would have even more time for music...

....and I would have even more time to try to grow as a writer.) I would still work at Curves part-time and I’d still like to help out at the Bed&Breakfast Inns I work at, but I’d like much more free time to try to develop as a writer.

2.     I want Tom and I to have good health. (As I know from my autoimmune disease when you’re in physical pain it makes doing anything else very difficult.)

3.     Except for Sundays, I want to find 1 hour a day to exercise and 1 hour a day to meditate. (Again this ties into more free time.)

And of course, I want a 1959 red corvette convertible and a (non-haunted) Southern Greek Revival House and massages every day and more time with friends and better relationships with-in my family. But when push comes to shove – as I sit here and make myself quietly contemplate “what I want” it has to do with unscheduled, free time and quiet hours spent with Tom.

In terms of “my purpose”: I don’t know …I only feel truly satisfied when I’m telling (or being told) a great story. While I admire great doctors, architects, school teachers and astronauts – the only people who silence the whirl in my head are the great story tellers like David Sedaris, Nora Ephron, Anne Lamott, Martha Beck, and Elizabeth Gilbert. I’m truly mesmerized by comics like Bill Cosby, Ellen DeGeneres, Jay Leno, David Letterman, Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Kathleen Madigan, Brett Leake, Evan Davis and Jeremy Hotz. I hold these writers and these comics in the highest regard.

I would like to believe that my purpose in life is to be a storyteller…but that will take work, which takes time, which is why I NEED to win the lottery!  ;-)  (Are you listening, God!?! I NEED to win the lottery! And, if I do, I promise that (with the exception of Sunday) I will make time for 1 hour of exercise/day and 1 hour of mediation/day in addition to writing.)

Okay, that’s pitiful…since I’ve now digressed to actually bargaining with God on this public blog I’ll turn it over to you guys! See if you can complete these sentences (and we’d love it if you would post your answers in the ‘comments section’ below!) Good luck! These questions can be tough to answer…

1.     I want…(fill in the blank)

2.     My purpose is…(fill in the blank)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Inspiration Gallery

Hi Fit Moms! Thought I'd share some favorite photos and added some inspirational phrases for you. Enjoy!

Please email us YOUR picture(s) and inspirational words/phrases to make the next Inspiration Gallery:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The I am too tired to workout workout

Good morning! As most of you know, I love to workout in the morning.

This way, I boost my metabolism all day long, feel productive and because I get my workout done early – I know nothing will pop up during the day to prevent me from training.

This morning, I woke up at 5 am today, ummm – not by choice.

Our 4 year old magically ends up in our bed every night and I get woken up with her adorable little foot in my ear. Being the light sleeper I am, I am wide awake and get up. My husband is lucky – he can sleep through anything!

Here is my workout for today. Hope you try it and let me know what you think! Have a Fit & Fun day everyone!


Total Body Circuit Estimated time: 40 minutes Consult a physician before starting this or any exercise program. Do entire circuit 2 times. 15-20 reps of each exercise using strict form.

Clean and Press: Place a light weight barbell or 2 dumbbells on the floor in front of you. Stand with your core tight, feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Shoulder blades retracted and pushed down. From this position, hinge at the waist, knees very slightly bent, bend over and pick the weight(s) up off the floor, exhale as you stand up and “clean” the weight up to chest level. In a fluid motion, press the weight overhead. The motion should be lift, clean, press. Hold a beat and return to starting position.

Push Ups: Support your body in a plank position, hands wider than shoulder width, core tight, head in a neutral position, on your toes. Lower down until your chest is a couple inches from the floor, exhale as you push up and straighten your arms. Repeat.

Bent over barbell rows: Hold a barbell or dumbbells in each hand, feet shoulder width apart, bend over until your back is almost flat, arms hanging straight down. Shoulder blades retracted and pushed down. From this position, “row” the weight upward, squeezing your shoulder blades together, hold, return to starting position. Tip: keep back flat and shoulder blades retracted through the entire motion.

Dips: support your body with an over hand grip on a chair or bench, feet on the floor, lower body off the bench. Lower your body until your upper and lower arm are at 90 degree angle, elbows going back not outward. Exhale as you push up back to starting position. Tip: make it harder and straighten your legs, balance on one leg or put a weight plate on your lap.

Standing EZ Curls: grasp an ez curl bar at a slighter wider than shoulder width with both hands, feet wider than shoulder width apart, knees soft, core tight. keeping the elbows in a fixed position, curl the weight up, hold a beat and return to starting position. Repeat 15 times.

Standing side raises: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms hanging at your sides, palms facing the outer thighs, stand with your core tight, feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Shoulder blades retracted and pushed down. From this position, exhale as you lift the weights upward, palms facing downward, tipping the weights forward as if you’re pouring water out of a pitcher. Hold a beat, return to starting position.

Knee Raises: Hand from a pull up bar, no motion in your body. Exhale as you lift your knees to your chest, curling your trunk, hold. Return to starting position. Tip: no rocking.

Too busy? Then go for a 30 minute brisk walk....Be active!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fit Mom TV Blogger: Rebecca Hill / Barnes & Noble Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Signing a Success!

February 6, 2011

I am delighted to say that my book signing at Barnes & Noble; Marina del Rey went well yesterday! It was my first book signing ever so I was very excited (and a little nervous). The staff at Barnes & Noble was fantastic and welcomed us when we arrived.

My husband Tom Caufield and my fellow Curves trainer, Toni helped me get the signing table all set up.

My friend, Dominique was the first to arrive! She reminded me to “breath” when I saw the rack of books Barnes & Noble had ordered just for the event. I was intimidated by how many books there were to sell!

Dominique also brought me a rose which started out as a beautiful addition on the signing table...then it turned into a prop (as you'll see from the photos below) until Tom had to take it away and say "focus, sweetie - this is a book signing ..take the rose out of your mouth." (All said with great affection, of course...after 10 years of marriage, he knows me quite well!)

Anyway, here are a few additional photos from the signing:

When I got home from the signing there was a very nice email from Kiana that said, "CB! I am so happy for you and CONGRATULATIONS on your book signing of many to come! Wish I could've made it and met your friends too! I had to play chauffer to my kids: soccer, dance, ballet... What wonderful photos of y'all (your Southern accent is wearing off on me!?!) I am so proud of you and am especially glad that the 'Cheeseburger in Paradise' story is now public knowledge! It was a hard secret to keep all of these years!  Love and just say NO TO CUPCAKES! - Kiana"

And, oh yeah – great news! We actually sold out!!! (What a relief!)

Many, many thanks to Renee Carter at Barnes & Noble for inviting me to have this book signing and to their manager, Jake, for making the event so fun! I also want to thank all of our Curves members and my friends who came out to support me. I really appreciate y’all! I want to thank Tom for making me take the rose out of my mouth and, of course, I want to thank Chicken Soup for the Soul for publishing my stories in the first place!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Superbowl Taco Dip / Gone before Kickoff!

Superbowl Taco Dip

Fit Mom TV Tip: Cut corn tortillas into triangles, sprinkle with sea salt and bake at 350 degrees for a guilt free baked chips OR buy Trader Joe's Flax Seed Veggie Chips. Omg.

This Taco Dip is always gone before the kickoff. I have given it a Fit Mom Recipe makeover and made it healthier, added protein and lowered the fat.

Score:It can be made ahead of time and taken out of the refrigerator to serve.  I like to use a clear glass bowl so you can see the colorful layers.  Enjoy!


1 package ground lean turkey

1 large ripe tomato, chopped

1 green bell pepper, chopped

1 bunch chopped green onions

1 small head iceberg lettuce, shredded

1 (6 oz) can sliced black olives, drained

2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

1 can (16 oz) non fat or low fat organic refried beans

1 (8 oz) package non fat or low fat cream cheese, softened

1 (1 o z) package low sodium taco seasoning mix (optional, i don't use this, too much sodium and nitrates, but some people like the flavor)

1 (16 oz) container non fat or low fat sour cream

1 (16 oz) salsa, fresh salsa is best, but a jar of salsa will do too

Heat non stick pan, brown ground turkey. Drain any fat. In medium bowl, blend refried beans and a small amount of taco seasoning, (don’t use much, it’s very high in sodium), add ground turkey. Mix. Spread onto large serving platter.  Mix sour cream and cream cheese in medium bowl. Spread over beans/turkey.  Top the layers with salsa. place a layer of tomato, green bell pepper, green onions and lettuce over the salsa and top with cheddar cheese. Garnish with olives. Serve with tortilla chips.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Superbowl Favorite: Orange Ribs Recipe

Orange Soda Ribs

Background: Super Bowl is the big feast at our house. As many of you know, many years ago I was an NFL cheerleader. (TMI: My husband still wants me to wear my cheerleading uniform!? Right....I'll get right on that.  Our whole family loves football, even our kids! Well, maybe they just love the snacks.

There are some days that just have to be “cheat days.”  If you’re an avid viewer of “Kiana’s Flex Appeal” ESPN, you know that I use the “cheat day” method: I eat very clean 6 days per week and 1 day per week I enjoy the not-so-clean foods – in moderation.  Cheat days are the days you enjoy food. This is the day that you get to eat in moderation, what you want. Since my husband is a Captain in the Fire Dept. it usually means a zillion guys are over eating and male bonding. This recipe should actually a called a Fit Dad recipe.  There are many benefits of having a Fire Fighter hubby, one being the “uniform” ahem, and the other is that 99.9% of them are great cooks. Since they never know when the fire alarm will go off, they have a huge resource of recipes that can withstand prolonged heating, extra time in the oven and still turn out amazing. If you think about it, those same qualities are great for Fit Mom Recipes.

Enjoy this one! I don’t usually care for ribs, but these are amazing.


1 liter orange soda – yikes! yes, you heard right. I thought the same thing.  No, it’s not a typo.
sliced oranges with peels
gigantic rack of ribs – “nice rack”


Fill large pot with the orange soda, orange slices and ribs. add enough water to cover. boil 1.5 hours. drain. remove oranges. cover with your favorite low sugar barbecue sauce. bake 350 degrees 1 hour. uncovered.


Meat falls off the bone, so tender, tasty, lick your fingers good.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

:60 Tip: The best time to workout and burn the most fat is....

When is the best time to workout? In general, the best time is "any" time. But, if you're looking to maximize your time spent and burn the most fat, encourage healthier choices all day long, I suggest working out first thing in the morning.  Being a busy mom of 2 young children, I don't like to waste 1 minute of time or energy for that matter. After 20 years in the health and fitness biz, I make sure and workout in the mornings. I like being active when I first wake up.


  • If you're looking to lose fat (who isn't/) do cardiovascular exercise as soon as you get up, before you have breakfast. I love to get up and go for a 30-40 minute jog.  Some studies show that up to 300% more fat is burned when cardio. is done in a fasted / depleted state. The reason for this is because all night you haven't eaten. You wake up with depleted glycogen and lower blood sugar / a good scenario for burning fat instead of carbs.

  • Working out first thing in the morning, ensures you will get your workout in and done, before the day gets away from you.

  • You will feel accomplished and productive early on in the day, which sets the positive tone for the day.

  • You will rev your metabolism and burn calories more efficiently all day long.

  • You will feel happier all day, due to releasing those "exercise / feel good / endorphins."

  • The key to a successful workout routine is consistency. Working out in the a.m. means less chances of your not having the energy to workout or something else coming up.

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