1. Circuit: Compound-Isolation exercises. Compound exercises train multiple muscle groups in one movement. Because you are training many muscle groups and/or joints at once, you burn more calories, are able to train your whole body faster (as opposed to training 1 muscle at a time) and you can train heavier and longer. Examples of compound exercises are: squats, lunges, chest press, shoulder press, dips.
Isolation exercises strengthen one muscle and one joint within 1 motion. Isolation exercises are often used in physical therapy and rehab to increase muscle strength in a specific muscle. Isolation exercises are also used to create muscle balance, for example if one bicep is larger than the other. I will perform isolation exercises for my shoulders right before a fitness photo shoot - when I want my shoulders to look really firm and a bit bigger. Examples of isolation exercises are: bicep curls, front raises, side raises, leg curls, calf raises.
Combining both compound and isolation exercises within 1 workout is a fun change of pace. I love to do this type of workout. It is very challenging and you really get that burn in the muscle group(s) you are training. Select a compound exercise such as and immediately do a few sets of exercises that isolate the muscles trained in the compound exercise. For example: Do a set of squats. Follow immediately with a set of lunges, leg curls and leg extensions.
2. Lift and cardio.: Perform you normal weight training routine(s) that you follow along from "Kiana's Fit Mom TV" or "Kiana's Flex Appeal" and do 60-90 seconds of jumping rope, aerobics, jumping jacks, step or jogging in place in-between each strength training exercise. I do this at the gym and on Kiana's Flex Appeal to burn more calories and really get your heart rate up!
3. Intervals: Do 15 seconds of high intensity intervals such as running on a treadmill or fast cycling in-between strength training sets. I bring a few sets of weights by the treadmill or bike and do a total body workout, alternating intervals.
Functional Fit: I love functional fitness. It is the most practical, efficient and useful way to train. Functional fitness is strengthening the muscles used in everyday activities. It makes those muscles stronger and therefore makes your day easier and safer (less injury.)
Stay fit!
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