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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
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Monday, April 26, 2010
Lose Inches off your waist NOW. No kidding.
EZ Tricks to Eat Less
Red Carpet Workout: 2 weeks to Fabulous
Ahhhh...the Academy Awards have hit Hollywood. That explains why I sat in 3 hours of traffic yesterday.
Having spent the day in Hollywood, attending several meetings, it was exciting to see all of the preparation for the Oscars. There were dozens of workers setting up the scaffolding and elaborate entrance area. Preparation is key for an event of this magnitude...
Food for thought. Do Wii have fat kids?
This blog is not to preach or a Fit-How-To. It's just to create an awareness from one Fit-Mom to another. I am passionate about having healthy kids, but still remembering to let them "be kids." It is a constant challenge for me to walk the thin-pink-fit-mom line between fitness expert and mom-who-lets-her-kids-be-kids....
Burn More Calories in Less Time
Multi Tasking Exercises for Multi Tasking Moms
Lose Inches off your waist NOW. No kidding.
- Your midsection WILL lose a few inches just by improving your posture. No kidding. Look in the mirror "before" and "after" improving your posture!
- You WILL exude more confidence
- You WILL appear to be taller
- You WILL strengthen the muscles in your body used for proper posture
- It WILL become second nature to stand, walk and sit this way
- YOU WILL be less prone to injury esp. in the lower back and neck
- retract your scapula or shoulder blades (or pull them together behind you as if you are trying to pinch someone's finger between them)
- push your scapula or shoulder blades down
- recap: retract and push the shoulder blades down.
- hold. this is the correct position. your shoulders should not be rounded forward.
- Computer screen at desk: Raise you computer screen it is "eye level." Think about it, you will be more likely to keep you head straight if you are looking straight, right? Raise the screen up on a few beautiful, vintage books or decorated shoe box. It may stay awhile, might as well make it as visually pleasing as possible.
- Belt it: Because proper posture literally takes a few inches off your waist immediately, try wearing a loose belt around your waist that is comfortable when your body is in "proper posture form." When the belt gets a bit tight it will remind you that your back is rounded and you are hunching forward. An easy reminder.
- Advanced: practice retracting and releasing your scapula balanced on a fitness ball. Strengthens your core too!
- Visualize: Look at yourself in the mirror. Stand normally. Now practice proper posture. WOW! Guaranteed you look MUCH better, taller and more confidant.
EZ Tricks to Eat Less
Can’t Tone It? Tan It.
Red Carpet Workout: 2 weeks to Fabulous
Ahhhh...the Academy Awards have hit Hollywood. That explains why I sat in 3 hours of traffic yesterday.
Having spent the day in Hollywood, attending several meetings, it was exciting to see all of the preparation for the Oscars. There were dozens of workers setting up the scaffolding and elaborate entrance area. Preparation is key for an event of this magnitude...
The Red Carpet Workout is a system I developed and personally use whenever I have a major event to attend, such as the Oscars, wedding, television shoot, filming, class reunion, photo shoot, vacation, or any where a swimsuit is involved.
As with any important project, you must prepare. Knowing that you did your best to prepare will give you more confidence, empowerment and a stronger, leaner body that runs like a Bugatti Veyron sports car, price tag: $1,700,000.00.
Here is what you do. Assuming you have at least 2 weeks to prepare:
1. Cut out all white carbohydrates: white breads, white rice, potatoes (mashed, baked, home fries: yep, those are all forms of potatoes), sugary desserts, sugar in your coffee, sugar in your ice tea; cut out sugar, sugar, sugar. If you are still committed at this point, read on my lovely fit moms.
2. Cut out all processed foods. Avoid any foods that come in a bag such as chips, pretzels, crackers. Tip: Avoid the "center" of the supermarket where all the prepackaged foods are that can last on shelves indefinitely. Instead, shop the "perimeter" of the market where the fresh fruits, veggies, milk and meats are located.
3. Cut out all alcohol. Easy for most - unless you are martini-at-lunch-exec-working-mom or "glass-of-wine-unwind-after-kids-drove-me-crazy-all-day-mom." lol.
4. Cut out all salt in the form of table salt, salted foods such as chips, etc.
5. Drink of choice: bottled water. Period. No soda, no juice. 1-2 cups coffee in a.m., let's be civil about this.
6. Eat 5 small meals per day that consist of lean proteins in the form of grilled, skinless chicken breasts, steamed veggies and a small portion of brown rice. Eat for energy and to achieve your Red Carpet goal.
7. Exercise for 15-30 minutes every single morning. No if ands or big butts. Yep, every morning. Do something. Brisk walking with the dogs (mulit tasking your chores and body work), weight lifting (follow along to Kiana' Fit Mom TV or buy my Kiana Fitness DVD or Fitness Band and DVD Kit, both available in the Fit Mom TV Store-shameless plug I know, but they can only help you if you have one), do push ups, crunches, leg lifts, squats, run up your stairs 10 times, jump rope, jumping jacks.....Point being: be active for extended period of time at the same time everyday.
8. Do anything to increase your daily activity throughout the day: Park further away instead of waiting 10 minutes for that front spot at the grocery store, take the stairs not the elevator. Actually get out of the car and play with your kids at the park instead of blogging, working or texting from the car. (ooops my bad, that was me yesterday.)
9. If you've been weight training for awhile. Lift heavier weights with strict form. Focus on the areas that will show: Strapless dress? Do shoulder raises, presses, triceps kickbacks, dips, overhead extensions. (For instructions on how to do these exercises, refer to Kiana's Fit Mom TV episodes for instruction and exercise demonstration.) Wearing a short dress? Do lunges, calf raises, leg presses. You get the point. If you haven't weight trained before, watch Episode 1 of "Kiana's Fit Mom TV" and do basic exercises to strengthen the body.
10. Starting 1 week before the Event, self tan every night. Being tan makes you look healthier, leaner, firmer. For many photo shoots and television appearances, make up artists will "sculpt" in better abs or shoulders using various shades of body makeup. If it works on your face, it will work on your bod.
Tip: After years of self tanning this is the best method I've found: Before bed, exfoliate in the shower. Dry off. You must be completely dry and not sweaty. 100% dry. Slather on self tanner-I like the Neutrogena Dark Self Tanning lotion. I have tried every single one $5-$100. This works for me and costs less than $10.00.
Spread it on evenly, all over. Wash your hands to prevent the palms from darkening paying attn. to in between your fingers as well. Do the rest of your pre-night time ritual NAKED, while the self tanner dries. (I don't know why, my hubby always seems to magically appear in the bathroom at this time?) You cannot put clothes on if the self tanner is damp or it rubs off. After it's dry appx. 10 min. put on your baggiest, light weight, dark toned clothes. Go to bed, you wake up super tan. Seriously.
Tip: Make sure the lotion is spread evenly so you don't have streaks. Repeat this nightly until you are as dark as you want. Besure and adjust your makeup to match your body so you don't have a white face and neck / dark chest. (oh and no, that picture is not me.)
Tip: Put a second application on the areas of your body you want "reduced" to make the area appear to recede: sides of waist, inner thighs, etc. Like an artist, you can sculpt your body with cosmetics.
11. Increase cardio. If you already run, jog or walk, do it faster and longer. If you don't already do cardio., start. Walk, brisk walk, go up and down your stairs. Get your heart pumping faster and your skin glowy and sweaty. Feels good.
12. A few days prior to your Red Carpet Event, get your hair highlighted, colored, cut. It always looks best a few days later. Get it styled the day of your event. Or if you have to travel, get it blown out the evening or late afternoon prior to your departure and sleep on a satin pillowcase to keep the style.
13. Layout your wardrobe and all accessories, shoes, purse, jewelry a few days before. Buy what is needed.
Tip: I learned this tip from a Hollywood stylist who helped style the wardrobe for my television appearances and Kiana's Flex Appeal: put all earrings, necklaces, bracelets in a baggy and hang on the hanger with each outfit. I put the jewelry in one of those drawstring satin bags you can buy at a craft store near you. They come in all colors. When you are rushed the night of the event, it's all ready to go.
My Tip: I will often put all accessories into my evening bag: Then put it all on in the car or limo. as I am going to the event. With kids, I often prefer to put on the jewelry after I've done all my Mommy duties to keep the jewelry clean and prevent possible breaking. (Long necklaces are a particular attraction for my 3 year old who thinks she can pull me closer with it - "like I do with the doggies mommy!?" Ummmm, my precious angel, please don't pull on my $15,000 Tiffany necklace that was a gift before I met Daddy that I would never buy for myself.)
The day of your big event. Do a light workout in the morning. Breathe deeply. Walk at the beach. Clear your mind. Get your makeup done at the mall or professionally, buy a new lipstick. Have your hair blown out. Put on bronzer on your sculpted shoulders.
Get dressed. Put on your bling. You are prepared. You did your workouts. You feel accomplished. You earned your flute of sparkling Champagne. Celebrate YOU and your Event.
Food for thought. Do Wii have fat kids?
This blog is not to preach or a Fit-How-To. It's just to create an awareness from one Fit-Mom to another. I am passionate about having healthy kids, but still remembering to let them "be kids." It is a constant challenge for me to walk the thin-pink-fit-mom line between fitness expert and mom-who-lets-her-kids-be-kids....
Doughnut Diary: It literally stresses me out when my hubby and I let them have that treasured doughnut they hand out after Church service - with apple juice and orange juice, I might add. I know we did it as kids and we turned out okay, but knowing the sky high sugar content, causes me to vent on my hubby for a good 20 minutes after that about our not-so-good decision.
Last Sunday morning after Church and after the kids engulfed the doughnut, during my venting, he calmly told me, "Kiana, it's just a doughnut." For me, being the "Queen of Fitness" (per Access Hollywood, not self proclaimed mind you), and a television producer....my creative mind fast forwards in movie style, baby: I see quick cuts to: doughnut ....sugar high ....sugar addiction ...diabetes .... obesity... being on Biggest Loser. I am not kidding you, I blog the truth...Yes, my mind takes me to seeing my child on Biggest Loser, all from "1 doughnut."
Are "Wii" Fit? The other night, we were all playing Wii. The coveted game they "had to have" and did a zillion extra chores to get. My 7 year old was having the best time playing tennis & golf. I watched her and couldn't believe that this was the era we lived in today.
I said to her, "Anelalani, did you know you could play those sports outside?" She looked at me with that face as if I had just told her to actually hang up the clothes on the shelves in her closet. She thought I was crazy.
Other than for video gaming companies to make more money, when did it become a good idea to create video games at all? It promotes more time, sitting on your butt. Sit. Sit. Get Fat. Fat. It seems that people easily passed 5-10 more hours sitting, not showering, eating junk, because they had to get to the "next level on their video game."
The current news is buzzing about Childhood Obesity. Take this tragic video of the 92 lb. 3 year old boy, for example. On the Maury Show. Put down your food. You will lose your appetite after seeing this. If you are like me, you will also be yelling at the computer screen and trying to raise your botox-ed forehead.
I believe in letting kids enjoy kid-ville, but not send them directly to diabetes or the Biggest Loser show. I believe in educating them, letting them know the consequences of their food choices. I am proud - fit - mama when I my girls know which foods are the healthier choices and read the nutritional breakdowns on cereal boxes. In the car, we play a game where I ask "Which foods are the better choices?" i.e., "white rice or brown rice?" "Low fat graham cracker or doughnut?"
Burn More Calories in Less Time
Interval training is an effective way to burn more calories in the less time, boost your athletic performance and add variety to your workout. You can accomplish this outdoors or in the gym...
Background: The 1st form of interval training called "Fartlek" (and no, my 3 year old did not make that name up!?) consisted of short burst of intensive exercise contrasted with slow, easy duration. It was a simple way of working out in an unstructured manner.
In today's fitness world, interval training is sophisticated and customized for specific sports. It is used by both novice trainers and elite athletes alike. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, "more calories are burned in short, high intensity exercise."
It makes sense, think about it. High intensity training is more challenging and harder to do, therefore you are exerting yourself and thus burning more calories. If you exercise in an easy, slow, comfortable manner, you won't be challenging your body or burning as many calories.
How to do it:
Access your goals and your ability. Start of easy and work you way up. Depending on your fitness level and current physical activity; start off with slow walking for 2 minutes with brisk walking for 2 minutes. Move up to brisk walking for 2 minutes and jogging for 2 minutes. Then slowly jogging for 2 minutes to fast running for 2 minutes. Bring your heart rate down to 100 bpm during the rest interval.
How to improve your performance:
Improve your performance by increasing either the intensity (i.e., running speed) or duration (length of time) but not both at the same time. Longer durations work best. Increase the number of durations as you improve.
Consult a physician before starting this or any exercise program.
Multi Tasking Exercises for Multi Tasking Moms
1. Circuit: Compound-Isolation exercises. Compound exercises train multiple muscle groups in one movement. Because you are training many muscle groups and/or joints at once, you burn more calories, are able to train your whole body faster (as opposed to training 1 muscle at a time) and you can train heavier and longer. Examples of compound exercises are: squats, lunges, chest press, shoulder press, dips.
Isolation exercises strengthen one muscle and one joint within 1 motion. Isolation exercises are often used in physical therapy and rehab to increase muscle strength in a specific muscle. Isolation exercises are also used to create muscle balance, for example if one bicep is larger than the other. I will perform isolation exercises for my shoulders right before a fitness photo shoot - when I want my shoulders to look really firm and a bit bigger. Examples of isolation exercises are: bicep curls, front raises, side raises, leg curls, calf raises.
Combining both compound and isolation exercises within 1 workout is a fun change of pace. I love to do this type of workout. It is very challenging and you really get that burn in the muscle group(s) you are training. Select a compound exercise such as and immediately do a few sets of exercises that isolate the muscles trained in the compound exercise. For example: Do a set of squats. Follow immediately with a set of lunges, leg curls and leg extensions.
2. Lift and cardio.: Perform you normal weight training routine(s) that you follow along from "Kiana's Fit Mom TV" or "Kiana's Flex Appeal" and do 60-90 seconds of jumping rope, aerobics, jumping jacks, step or jogging in place in-between each strength training exercise. I do this at the gym and on Kiana's Flex Appeal to burn more calories and really get your heart rate up!
3. Intervals: Do 15 seconds of high intensity intervals such as running on a treadmill or fast cycling in-between strength training sets. I bring a few sets of weights by the treadmill or bike and do a total body workout, alternating intervals.
Functional Fit: I love functional fitness. It is the most practical, efficient and useful way to train. Functional fitness is strengthening the muscles used in everyday activities. It makes those muscles stronger and therefore makes your day easier and safer (less injury.)
Stay fit!
Women: More Time in the Gym Needed
3/24/10: Los Angeles Times. American Medical Association recommends 60 minutes a day of exercise to maintain weight.
Previous studies:
American College of Sports Medicine: 150-250 min/week;
Institute of Medicine: 60 min/day;
Dept. of Health & Human Services: 150 min/week;
American Heart Assoc.: 30 min/day, 5 days/week of moderate activity or 20 min/day, 3 days/week vigorous activity;
Brigham & Women's Hospital study: 60 min/day.
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© 2011 Kiana Tom Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. All videos and images posted on this site remain the property of Kiana Tom Productions, Inc. Disclaimer: Consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Neither Kiana Tom or anyone associated with Kiana Tom Productions, Kiana's Fit Mom TV, www.kiana.com or www.fitmomtv.com, will be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at your home, gym or elsewhere. Opinions expressed here may not be in agreement with those of Kiana Tom Productions, Kiana's Flex Appeal, Kiana's Fit Mom TV, Kiana's Store, www.kiana.com, www.fitmomtv.com and their employees including Kiana Tom. The above parties are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury or health condition that may occur through following the opinions expressed here.