Fit Mom Approved

Monday, April 26, 2010

EZ Tricks to Eat Less

"If you wouldn't want TMZ to air a photo of you: on the couch, in your oldest-baggy sweats eating ______....then DON'T eat it." Here are simple tricks to eat less and stay energized and healthy...

Prioritize and Portion control.

These are the ways to lose weight. You must fill up with nutrient dense, fresh foods without feeling deprived. The trick is the not feeling deprived.  It's human nature to "want what you can't have." We've all done it: If you say I am "not going to eat any chips, or any alcohol ever again."

Then....all of a sudden you find yourself in Cabo having margaritas, chips and salsa. Right?  Hmm. Maybe it's just me. Not! You cannot set yourself up for failure. Instead, set yourself up for success. This is how you do it.

Prioritize: Envision your plate of food: Let's say you have grilled chicken, brown rice, steamed veggies, fresh fruit.  Eat the healthiest foods first: the lean meat, steamed veggies, brown rice (most filling eat last), drink the bottled water, savor the juicy fresh fruit. Eat slowly, put the fork down in between bites, breathe, taste and enjoy. Wait appx. 20 minutes after you meal. If, after you have filled up on the healthy foods, you find you are still craving your "cheat foods," go ahead and have a little. 1-2 bites, handful of chips. Then stop and walk away from the kitchen. No one gets hurt.

Fill up on bulky foods. Eat an apple and what happens? You feel so full. So eat the apple pre - meal.

Portion Control: Never ever eat out of the bag, box or container the food comes in. It looks sloppy and most important, you risk eating the entire amount before you know it. Always put a small amount, 1 portion size, into a dish or baggy and eat just that. I pre package all snacks: pretzels, nuts, dried fruit, sliced apples, cookies, etc.

After 20 years in the television and fitness industry the easiest way to stay lean is to: eat a little alot, eat a lot of what is good for you and a little of what you crave.

By eating a bite or two of the foods you crave, you will feel satisfied and your brain won't be focusing on what you "can't have" which may cause you to eat a whole bag of chips or an entire bag of cookies. (A former college roommate of mine used to bake a whole pan of brownies and eat the whole thing!?" We won't name names, but let's just call her Pam who was mean to me.)

Food is good for you. Eat frequent meals, 4-5 small meals per day that include lean protein, lots of fresh fruit and veggies. Drink bottled water. Love your body.

To me, living your healthiest life means feeling strong & healthy, eating what you love in moderation, being active, lots of laughter, love and inner peace."

Stay fit my sweets......thinking of you.

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