Fit Mom Approved

Friday, December 31, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010


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Great news! I am so excited to be bringing you DAILY FIT TIPS and WEEKLY VIDEO WORKOUT to the Fit Mom TV Blog!

It's something I've been wanting to do for quite awhile, but didn't know if I could carve out the time needed to do this.


Being from a TV Broadcasting background, I am embracing the website online world of  "shooting from the hip" without elaborate productions, camera crews or directors.

Raw and unedited video - just solid information and instruction -


You will be able to visit the site every day and watch a 1 minute VIDEO TIP on healthy living for the busy mom. These are MY personal health and fitness tips and things I really do: my short cuts, easy tricks to make your life healthier and more fit!


The key to a successful workout program is consistency!

Come to Fit Mom TV Blog 3 times per week (or more if you can) and do my 10 Minute Weekly Workout Video. It will be free of charge and my gift to you to help you make fitness part of your regular daily routine. The most important part of all of this is to establish a Fitness Routine.  We are all busy Moms, we can support and help each other.

I will be using some of the best and innovative fitness gear available today - at very realistic price points. I will help you build your own HOME GYM to workout with me.

I developed the trend setting "HOME GYM" segments for my television series "Kiana's Flex Appeal" ESPN that became the #1 rated fitness series in the history of the network, reaching 80 million homes worldwide in 100 countries.

I want to bring you the BEST instruction and information ONLINE, too!

Please help me spread the fitness word. The Weekly Workouts will start January 1st 2011! Please besure and check it out and I'd love to hear feedback.....(ummm be kind...I am a busy mom too!)

Here are a few of the HOME FITNESS GEAR I will be using in the WEEKLY WORKOUTS.



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Love and fitness,

Kiana Tom


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

3 Secrets to Sticking to Your Health & Fitness Resolutions in 2011

1.  Realistic Fitness Goals:

If you don't exercise regularly now, your goal should be to simply GET MOVING as opposed to trying to workout for 1-2 hours per day.  Try and do something active each and everyday.

2. Exercise Early:

Be active 1st thing in the morning before the day gets too busy.  Often, if you wait to workout, you may never do it. Early exercise means you will feel more productive and make healthier choices all day long.

3.  1, 2, 3 Fitter Foods:

Replace 1 not-so-healthy foods with a healthier option: i.e., Pita chips or mini carrots for chips.  Once that becomes easy, increase it to 2 and so on.

Home Gym Total Body Workout

I love the sun. I feel so happy and full of energy when the sun is out and shining!

Well......since it has been raining for almost 7 days straight in "sunny" Southern California, I am not as happy as I could be!

Here is my plan. Since working out raises the "happy" endorphins and feel good emotions, I am going to do one of my Home Gym Workouts. (a bit of Kiana's Flex Appeal trivia: I wrote over 10,000 workout routines for my ESPN show, so I think I have a few to choose from today....)

Here is the Gear I will use:

  • Bench or chair

  • Dumbbells

Here is the Workout:

Total body circuit, moving from 1 exercise immediatly to the next, no rest in between sets:

  • Step ups

  • Bent over Rows

  • Push ups with feet elevated

  • Alternating shoulder presses

  • Bicep curls standing on 1 leg

  • Bench dips

  • Star crunches

Monday, December 27, 2010

Countdown to 2011. This Fit Mom’s Resolutions. Kickstart the New Year & Join Me for Online Weekly Workouts

Happy New YOU everyone! 2011 is almost here.....What are your New Year's Resolutions?

What a roller coaster ride this year has been, just last year at this time.....after taking time off to start a family, I decided to re-enter the tv and fitness biz.  Trying to juggle 3 businesses, start 2 new ones, caring for the kids, taking care of the house...etc.....and the kids now 8 and 4 are needing more and more of my patience each day.

So that is my 1st resolution:

  • To be more patient. More deep breaths and self induced time outs when the kids get to me.

More resolutions (I am ambitious, I know!?)

  • To try a new fresh juice recipe once per week using different fruits and veggies (I'll share these with you and post the videos & blogs online - so you can try them too! Besure and join my email list and check back often for the videos & posts!)

  • De-clutter. Toss anything we haven't used in a year and donate it to charity. I believe that if your space is cluttered, so is your mind.

  • Not to be so hard on myself when I don't finish 150% of my "to do list." and...NOT to add more to my "to do list" when I do finish it!? I need to realize that I can only do my very best and need to be very proud of myself when I do it

  • To get to bed by 10 pm every night and sleep until 6am. (this will be a real challenge. I seem to get the most done for my work when the kids are asleep and the chores are done.)

  • To hug and kiss my kids and hubby more than I already do

  • To walk and run my loyal dogs 3 times per week

  • Film the remake of "Kiana's Flex Appeal" for Fox Sports Network,  write a Fit Mom Book and develop 2 new Video Blogs

  • Lastly...To workout more, eat healthfully and drink lots of water..... Oh wait, I already do that one...YES! (a little Fit Mom humor)

  • and...Bring weekly workouts to so millions of Moms worldwide can get on a regular workout schedule and train with me online!

As I was typing this blog, the kids asked me what resolutions were. I explained it to them and asked them to share theirs with you. Here they are:

My 8 year old's resolutions are:

  • to remember when my Mommy says to do something

  • not argue with Mommy, Daddy & my sister

  • not be so bossy

  • keep my room cleaner

  • eat more healthy fruit

  • remember to do my chores without Mommy asking me 5 times (okay I added the "without Mommy asking me 5 times part")

My 4 year old's resolutions are:

  • to remember to feed my dog and give him water

  • keep my room clean

  • take my dishes over after dinner

  • not argue with my sister

  • pick up my toys after I play with them

What are your resolutions this year? I'd love to hear!

Suggested New Year's Resolution #1:

Workout with Kiana & online!

Weekly Workout videos & posts will be uploaded for you at

You will be able to workout with me using the following suggested gear.

My Weekly Workouts will help you:

  • improve your entire body and mental well being

  • get on a regular workout program

  • incorporate fitness into your daily routine

  • make healthier choices

  • burn fat & calories

  • tighten and tone your entire body

  • flatten your stomach

  • shape your arms

Sound good? Then get ready because 2011 is going to be GREAT!

Here is the Fitness Gear I will be using in my Home Workouts. Click on the links in the pictures to be taken directly to each product.

  • Gymboss Interval Timer: Perfect for busy moms to stay on track and maximize your time working out.

  • Sandbag: Order the USB Power Package, it's ideal for women. Psst...If you want to get one for your hubby get the USB Strength Package for men. (the Burly package is for strongmen and competitive athletes.)

  • Reformer: This is a versitile piece of gear for core strength

Get yours today so you will be ready! See you in 2011!


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Sugar Junkie Blog by Rebecca Hill. New Year's Resolutions

Okay, it’s time for New Year’s resolutions!

But before I go in to that, I want to apologize to my friend, Mamatha, for quoting her incorrectly in last week’s blog. In my desire to understand the things that have happened in my life recently, I projected. I wrote that Mamatha told Santa she wanted to learn “patience and understanding.” This morning I happened to look at her photo again, and saw that what she actually said was that she wanted to learn “patience and ACCEPTANCE.”

Understanding vs. Acceptance; there’s a big difference in those two words and I’ve been thinking about it for hours as Tom and I did 9 loads! of laundry today. UNDERSTANDING means that you’re still seeking to comprehend a situation so it makes sense on a logical level. ACCEPTANCE means being at peace with a situation, whether you understand it or not.

With all of the changes that have happened in my life, I really contemplated that today. And I’m going to borrow (okay, flat out steal) part of Mamatha’s “Santa wish” and turn it into my New Year’s resolution.

So, my New Year’s resolution is to learn to find acceptance even if I don’t understand a situation. Acceptance – that “what is” …is. That’s resolution #1.

Resolution #2 is EVEN HARDER! In 2011, I vow to learn to love the squat machine at Curves!

I asked some other women what their New Year’s resolutions were:

Careen from Atlanta said, “My resolution is to start exercising and eating better. I bought my husband and myself a 2-month membership on Groupon to a gym. For $35 we get 8 personal training sessions, a meeting with a nutritionist and access to the gym for 2 months. I figured that was a GREAT deal for $35. I think it's all about getting into a routine.”

Here in Los Angeles, Griffin said her New Year’s resolution is “to run a half marathon!! And volunteer more :)”  (Griffin has already done some volunteer teaching in Africa so cheers right back at you, Griffin!)

Cynthia said, “I resolve to take better complete care of myself - physically and psychologically.  I plan to consider "Me First".  Not in a selfish way, but in a way that will help those I come in contact with on a daily basis.  If I take better care of myself, I can be better to all those I care for and interact with (esp. my beloved David).  I plan to give myself good nutrition, loving encouragement, and time for myself.  I believe positive happiness is contagious.   (Just as negative feelings can run rampant too.)  Why not start, foster, and nurture the inside first and bubble over to the everything else?!”

And Suzanne said, “I don’t usually make resolutions - but I do take stock of the year behind and think of ways I want the next year to look - I keep the things that worked well for the year and think about shifting other things that didn’t seem to benefit my life. Last year I did something different with my friend Emily- we thought up 3 resolutions for each other which was fun too- one of hers for me was to do another gardening class- which I did and loved!”

I love that: assigning New Year’s Resolutions to each other! Kiana, can you kick off this conversation by “assigning” a New Year’s Resolution to all of us? Something obtainable but that would definitely benefit our lives? (And while you’re at it, what’s your New Year’s Resolution?)

Anyone else? We’d love you to share your New Year’s resolutions with us so we can be inspired, awed or amused. (I hear you laughing at my resolution but I really do think I can learn to love that darn squat machine! I think I can…I think I can…I think I can…I KNOW I can!)  ;-)

Happy New Year y’all! I hope 2011 is a good year for all of us!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wonderful Family Christmas

This was the first time in years that we decided to stay home for Christmas. Usually, we head to Aspen or to the local mountains for snow boarding and skiing. Sure glad we did since it rained for 4 straight days. The most rain we've had years.  I personally don't like to fly or drive in the pouring rain since too many LA people text and drive already, let alone do it in the rain!? Yikes!

We had such a nice time, but not relaxing at all! The kids sang on Christmas Eve at the Church, which was lit by candles. Imagine 100+ people holding candles while their children sang. Beautiful and really made my heart so warm. I made Christmas Eve dinner for my parents and sister, everyone came to the house and we sat by the fire, sipped champagne and talked for hours. It was so relaxing.

That all came to screaching halt when I was awakened at 4 am (yes 4 am) by our 8 year old wanting me to "get up and make everyone pancakes and open presents!" She had already scoped out the gits, new how many gifts Santa left for every member of the family including how many dog treats were in each dog's stocking. She told me how many bites of cookies Santa took "I think that is why Santa is so fat Mommy, cuz he is eating cookies all over the world!" (Makes sense to me, what a smart kid.)

I was able to sleep 1 more hour and then before I knew it I was buried in wrapping paper! My favorite Fit Mom gift I received from Santa was  a new Juicer. I have some delicious recipes I will share with you at the start of the New Year!  We made an amazing apple, carrot, celery juice this morning!

It was over so fast but I am more relaxed now being able to enjoy playing their games 1 at a time.  Yes, I am proud to say I am the Bop it and Wii Just Dance champ.  I still need to work on my Toy Story Yahtzee skills.  I would love to hear about your Christmas! Please share!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fit Tip: Vitamins

Hi Fit Moms! I had to share this Vitamin Tip from a well known Doctor.... Here is what I just bought that he recommended.

It's a busy busy time of year! And from all the coughing I hear in's also flu season.

I am a firm believer that we should get most of the necessary nutrients from whole, natural foods. Basically, I feel we should eat our vitamins by eating a wide variety of natural foods. However, we are all very busy and don't eat as healthfully as we'd like to, so that is where a good solid vitamin comes in to the picture.

Just got back from the store and stocked up on vitamins. Here is what I bought:

  • Centrum Multi Vitamin

  • Vitamin C 1000 mg.

Last week, I had my annual check up at the Doctors and had a nice visit with him too. It seems everywhere I turn, people are coughing and are sick, they cannot get rid of the cough. I asked my Doctor if he often got sick, since his patients are sick.  He told me he hadn't been sick in 30 years and only took antibiotics 1 time. This was amazing to me, considering the fact that he sees dozens of very sick patients who come to his office with the flu and worse.

I asked him how he stayed so healthy. I told him I hadn't been sick for years until I had kids (they bring home all types of new germs from school!)

I thought I'd share his advice with you:

My doctor said he has been taking "Centrum" vitamins for decades. 1 per day. He said he also takes 1000 mg. vitamin C per day and if he is going to be around sick people, he increases that to 3000 mg. I had never taken Centrum vitamins so I thought it was worth a try. They have a large selection of vitamins for "performance," "cardio," "multi-vitamins" and "for kids" too! No, I don't professionally endorse Centrum vitamins, but I do buy them.  I just thought it sounded like simple, doable and realistic advice.

Old School? It may seem old school, especially that there are dozens of vitamins to pick from.  I believe that "old school" is often the best, since the fact that it has been around for a long time, is proof in itself that it works. It's not a gimmick or fad.

To your health!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fit Cooking: Hawaiian Island Banana Bread: No Sugar Added

What is a health and fitness minded gal to do when you have a huge bowl of over-ripe bananas?

Make Hawaiian Island Banana Bread, of course! Being the sugar conscious person I am, I replaced sugar with stevia, a plant based extract that tastes like sugar without the highs/lows...and without the guilt!

Hope you enjoy this! I am loving my warm slice of banana bread as I blog this with a hot cup of coffee. Yum!

Hawaiian  Island Banana Bread : No Sugar Added

Preheat oven to: 350


1 1/4 cups flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 cup shortening

1 cup sugar OR 1/2 cup stevia that is 2 to 1 to sugar (use half as much)

1 cup ripe mashed bananas

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1/2 cup chopped walnuts or almonds or even trail mix! I just love to add nuts: more protein and more texture!


Spray non stick spray on bread loaf pan.  Stir dry ingredients in 1 bowl. In another larger bowl, mix shortening, stevia (or sugar you naughty girl), mashed bananas, eggs and nuts. Add combined dry ingredients and mix until batter is blended. Pour in bread/loaf pan and bake 55 minutes until brown and slightly crunchy on top. (I cook mine a few minutes more since I love crunchy crust.) Let cool 10 minutes before slicing and serving. TIP: Serve with FAGE yogurt for protein or alongside scrambled egg whites. Reheat in toaster so it's warm and crunchy.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sugar Junkie Blog by Rebecca Hill

December 19, 2010

Okay, we are NOT going to discuss the night I drove through Randy’s doughnuts because I was “craving a maple flavored doughnut.” Nor are we going to discuss the day I went through the McDonald’s drive through to get some fries “because I was mad that I had to stand in line at the post office for 20 minutes.” What we are going to discuss is TODAY because today was a pretty good day.

Following up on our “Holiday Challenge” assignment from last week:

I meditated once this week. (But am still committed to making it a part of my daily routine.)

I did keep a food journal today:
No fat milk and a handful of almonds for breakfast.
Strawberry smoothie with protein powder for lunch.
Thin crust pizza for dinner (this is where the “pretty good” part of my day comes in).

How about you guys? How did your week go?

One of my friends who reads this blog told me she is too busy right now to work on the holiday challenge that Kiana and I have been putting together for y’all so we’re going to put that on the back burner for the next few weeks. We’re not abandoning it because meditation and tracking/ journaling our food and thinking about why we eat what we eat is important – VERY IMPORTANT – but Kiana and I are not grinches! We hear you that you need a little respite from our “Holiday Challenge Assignments” this week so let me just ask you a simple question:


I asked this question to several women I know and here’s what they said:

Mamatha said she wants “to learn patience and understanding.”

Maryanne said she wants Santa to bring her, “a stress free family environment” and my fellow Curves trainer, Candice, said she wants to “eat everything and gain zero pounds!”  (Wouldn’t that be nice!?!)

A beautiful woman named Marsi said she wants “to radiate love into the world.” When she told me this I said, “Wow, very cool. I was expecting health and fitness responses but this is awesome too!” Marsi said, “This is a health and fitness goal. I’m tired of being so critical. When I say I want to radiate love into the world, I mean for others and for myself. If I can focus on love, I think I can create really positive scenarios in my life – health and fitness wise, and otherwise.” That really sunk in to my heart – I’ve actually been thinking about Marsi’s response all week.

The glamorous, Nicole said she wants her “sanity.”

And, Rudolph – well, Rudolph said he wants Santa to “browse through Kiana’s website and lose a few pounds pronto so that damn sleigh isn’t quite so heavy on Friday night!” (I’m not making this up, I’m simply reporting what the red-nosed superstar said when I interviewed him.)

So, Kiana and I’ve heard from Mamatha, Maryanne, Candice, Marsi, Nicole and Rudolph. Now, WHAT SAY YOU?




Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of y’all!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Mommy said sugar is bad for you. You'd better take the smaller Christmas cookie." My 8 year old daughter to her 3 year old little sister.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kiana, Kona and Crunch

Hi Everyone! Those of you that follow my posts and blog, know I LOVE LOVE LOVE animals. We have two BIG black dogs and I LOVE & adore them......

Dogs are the best pets. They are your workout partner, your friend who listens and never interrupts you, they seem to always want to play, are always happy, they know what you need and they even lick your tears of you are sad.

[caption id="attachment_2017" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Anelalani & Kona the 100 lb. "Puppy!" (Last summer, we adopted him from New Leash on Life - a Doggie Shelter. He and 6 of his siblings doggies were left in a garbage dumpster in Los Angeles, CA...only a few weeks old....sigh. We had to adopt GLAD we did!)"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2018" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Yum! I like the Fit Mom Peanut Butter Oatmeal Doggie Treats!"][/caption]

yes I do make our dogs home made doggie treats. I found a great recipe (when I find it I will post it) that uses oats, peanut butter to make natural treats!

[caption id="attachment_2022" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Crunch at 2 months old."]

[caption id="attachment_2019" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Baby Kiana and Crunch the 120 lb. Big Black Bear. I adopted him from New Leash on Life 10 years ago. He fit in the palm of my hand. He is my Best Friend."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2023" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Crunch as a puppy and Flex - the LOVE of my LIFE Dalmation, 16 years...who passed in 2004. So happy to be able to share this with all of you!)"][/caption]

Well, anyway.....My fave Make Up Artist named Dehx who does my make up and hair for Fit Mom TV and many other events and a fun friend is working with a wonderful Charity to help ONE LOVE shelter for dogs/cats. If you are an animal lover....please check out their website and help if you can! She is a beautiful person on the inside and outside...Hope you can help! Thank you!

Here is the Email from Dehx:

Hey friends!

I personally put together this donations event “ONE LOVE for shelter dogs/cats”’s an event to collect items for the dogs and cats at local animal shelters....collecting – blankets, beds, dog sweaters, towels, treats, most of you know I work in dog rescue n I see how these animals suffer daily....most people don’t realize that most animal shelters have outdoor kennels, n the dogs/cats have NO blankets or’s been so cold at night! I’ve created a website with all details/info. on how you can donate...please check it out! And please help spread the word, pass it on to friends/family and donate if you can....i greatly appreciate it, means a lot to me, I’ve worked extremely hard on this project....and most importantly, it makes a difference to the innocent dogs and cats at these shelters....remember we are ALL ONE, we are all connected....


EXCITING NEWS! “ONE LOVE for shelter dogs/cats” event will be announced on FOX “Good Day LA” with Jillian Barberi tomorrow Friday morning at 8:25am n 9:25am, check it out!

COME JOIN US! we will be having an event this Saturday Dec. 18th, from 1-5pm, at “Muttropolis” dog boutique at Fashion Island in Newport Beach....come by say hi n drop off items for the dogs/cats! Muttropolis will be offering a 10% discount on purchases that day to anyone who donates an item....

Thank you for your support! Peace. Love. Good vibes!! :)

[caption id="attachment_2027" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Dehx does my makeup and hair for Fit Mom TV and other fun events!"][/caption]

Violins, Christmas Cookies and Brownies

What a fun night last night!

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days....Christmas with 2 kids means a PACKED week!  Like you I am sure.....I am trying my very best to juggle being a good Mommy, Fit Mom TV, Kiana's Flex Appeal for Fox Sports, re-designing, finishing up my fitness inventions, moving forward with the 3 other business ventures I am starting....oh....and the workouts, errands, groceries, and chores.....You know the drill.

Both kids have their school Christmas parties this week. and I being the over zealous Super Mom, volunteered to have the Annual Family of 30 over for sit down dinner this Saturday---yikes! What did I do??? Good thing we have  big house. I am going to take the Parenting Mags' advice and only "wipe the counters and light candles." instead of my usual obsessing that the house is spotless.

Anyway. my daughter is a Brownie for the first time.   Her Brownie Troop (along with the Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts) went Christmas Caroling at the local Senior Citizens' Home. What a warm, emotional evening for me. I wondered if I were the only one feeling it. All the parents joined and watched.

I fell "in love" watching my 8 year old sing, she looked so grown up. Seemed like I blinked and now she is 8. (I have to stop blinking) My 3 year old and I watched and listened.

Side Note: When I drop my 3 daughter off at pre-school, she is so independent and secure that she quickly hugs & kisses me so that she can run to join her friends at school. I watch the other parents as their kids cry and scream.....they won't "let go" and don't want to "leave Mommy." Those parents are frustrated and I feel it in a different way. I have to remind my kids to kiss me goodbye! I asked our Pastor about it...he said "your kids are so secure and loved...they KNOW you will be back so they aren't clingy." (I am going with that so I don't get my feelings hurt!) All in all: Guess I am raising 2 very independent, strong girls...I like that.

While most of the Moms and Dads were busy taking photos of their kids, but I was busy watching my kids AND the audience. It seemed a bit sad that the seniors sat there watching so unemotionally. I wondered if they were bored or enjoying the music but lost their passion for life and had no expressions anymore?  What were they thinking? Were they thinking "it was yesterday I was taking MY 8 year old Caroling for the Holidays and now here I am!?" So many of the parents asked...."Is this what we have to look forward to?"

The thoughts were sort of surprising as we all expected lots of smiling, laughs and energy.....hmmm....Guess when you're 90-that's not the drill. We humbly forget.

On a positive note; After the Jingle Bells, Red nose Reindeer, Dashing through the snow, Silent Nights....the kids played their violins, recorders and shook their Jingle Bells. The Brownies, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts then handed out handmade ornaments and homemade cookies to the Seniors after the caroling. It was really a special beautiful night that made me think on so many unexpected levels. I thought about how they would probably be talking about it for hours or days after the children left.

Just you have grand parents, great grand parents or older parents? What are they like? I think I have a tainted frame of reference since my Mom is very young acting and very very energetic.......Even my grand mother went sky diving on her 70th birthday....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

20 Minutes of Torture

Today's workout was grueling. For starters, I didn't have enough sleep. 1-Starbucks-Venti-add-shot-Latte later (aka the Red Eye in the TV biz), I am in the gym and decided to wake myself up with a super challenging workout.

Here is what I did:

45 second exercise interval: 15 second rest

Do as many reps as you can during the above time frame, using strict form.

Est time: appx. 20 minutes

  • Ropes: both arms: Holding 40lbs. of ropes secured to the wall, undulate the ropes so it makes waves. I like to use both arms and also alternate arms.

  • Push ups: side to side 1 leg: Push up plank position: step to side and cross ankles do a push up; step to other side and cross ankles and do another push up. Repeat.

  • 1 leg squat / arm press: Balance on right leg, hold a weight in right hand, arm at your side; squat down on the right leg and then stand up (still balancing on right leg) then do a shoulder press. Repeat and try to balance on right leg the entire motion for the 45 seconds.

  • other leg / arm

  • Ropes: Right arm

  • Push ups: 1 leg plank

  • squat / arm press

  • Ropes: both arms

  • Push ups: side to side 1 leg

  • 1 leg squat / arm press

  • other leg / arm

  • Ropes: Left arm

  • Push ups: 1 leg plank

  • squat / arm press

  • Ropes: both arms

  • Push ups: side to side 1 leg

  • 1 leg squat / arm press

  • other leg / arm

  • Ropes: 1 arm

  • Push ups: 1 leg plank

  • squat / arm press

Consult a physician before starting any exercise program.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sugar Junkie. Part 6. by Guest Blogger Rebecca Hill

December 12, 2010

How did everyone’s week go? Were you able to find 5 minutes of “Quiet Time” each day to meditate? I tried, but was only able to do it two days.

I’m going to try again to meditate each day this week because I think it’s important for our physical and emotional wellbeing. Per Kiana, we’re going to add one more step this week for our FIT MOM TV HOLIDAY CHALLENGE.

WEEK #2’s assignment is:



The reason we’ve added this second step is that I had a pretty rough week last week in terms of my food choices and I’m still sorting out in my mind why I ate what I ate. I’m contemplating: Is the issue “what I’m eating” or is the issue really “what’s eating me?”

Last week I flew to Seattle to visit my grandma (my dad’s mother) and my aunt. It was good to see them and they made me feel incredibly loved, but it was an emotional trip. This was my first time seeing them since my father’s sudden death and my mom’s equally sudden remarriage. I was only at their house for 36 hours and while I was there I was relaxed and happy. But, once I got to the airport to fly back to Los Angeles, I felt extremely alone and very anxious. I love to fly so it had nothing to do with flying – it was something on an emotional level; something about seeing my dad’s family and the pain in their eyes reflecting the acute loss I also feel.

As I often do, I turned to food to try to ease the anxiety. I went to the newsstand in the Seattle airport and bought 2 candy bars and a Diet Coke. Consumed all of them within 10 minutes. Still felt anxiety. Tried deep breathing. Still felt anxiety.

Boarded the airplane. The anxiety increased to a level of panic. I knew I had to stay on the plane. I was alone (Tom couldn’t go with me on this trip). I turned the air nozzle on “high” so I could feel the cool air blowing on me. I took deep breaths. Then, as a last resort, I took half of a Xanax. The panic subsided back into anxiety but I was still having trouble breathing.

The flight attendant gave everyone semi-stale pretzel/ chex mix party packs and Diet Cokes. I ate half of mine and then started asking myself, “What am I doing? Why am I eating candy bars, diet cokes and a semi-stale pretzel/ chex mix party pack?” The answer being, “Because I’m sad. Because I miss Tom. Because I don’t want my dad to be dead.” I could barely breath during the entire flight.

When I landed at LAX, I had to go directly to the Bed & Breakfast Hotel where I work. I really needed to go home and take a nap and cry. I needed an emotional release but when you’re an adult, you have responsibilities. There’s no way I could’ve called my manager and said, “ Sorry but I’ll be late because I need to cry and have a nap.” I had to go to work, so I did. Once I got to the Inn my manager said, “Are you okay?” as she watched me eat raw cookie dough. I said, “Yes, it was an emotional trip but a good one.” I still couldn’t breath.

My manager left so I ate 3 cookies. I still couldn’t breath. The guests asked me a lot of questions. I answered them, but still couldn’t breathe. Then our neighbor’s cat, Rusty, came over to the Inn. Rusty is not supposed to be inside the Inn (because some of the guests are allergic to animals) so I picked him up to carry him back outside. The minute I picked Rusty up, he started purring. As I walked him to the door, I buried my face in his fur and hugged him tightly. He continued to purr loudly and finally – FINALLY, I could breathe again. I stood outside with Rusty for just a few minutes hugging him while he purred and I felt calm and centered.

So what 2 candy bars, 2 diet cokes, a Xanax, deep breathing and a semi-stale pretzel/ chex mix party pack couldn’t do – Rusty the cat did in under 2 minutes. Thanks to Rusty I found my center, I felt peaceful, and I could breathe again.

That was a big “ah-ha” moment for me. To realize that there is something more powerful and more potent than food in terms of calming my anxiety. For me, it turns out – it’s a cat’s purr. (Which actually makes sense. I’ve been in love with cats since the day I met my first cat when I was 4 year’s old; my grandma’s cat, David.) Since then, I’ve loved every cat I’ve ever met including Rusty, our neighbor’s cat at the Inn, and my own cat, “Anais the Siamese.”

But, I’m guessing different things calm different people down. I don’t think a cat’s purr would calm everyone down (especially those allergic to cats!) For my husband, Tom, I bet writing a song is how he finds his center. For my girlfriend, Dorothee, I’m guessing picking up a paintbrush is how she finds peace. I’m sure Kiana works out if she’s feeling stressed and my friend, Suzanne, often takes nature photographs as a way of tapping into her creative spirit and finding her center…


(I’d really appreciate you sharing this because it might help me or one of the other women reading this blog. We all need to find alternatives to eating when we get knocked off balance and need to find our emotional center.) Suggestions?

Rebecca Hill is the author of “Confessions of an Innkeeper” and “Don’t You Worry, Don’t You Cry.” Her writing has appeared in Redbook Magazine and she frequently contributes to Chicken Soup for the Soul. Her most recent story appeared in the new Chicken Soup for the Soul book, “Thanks, Mom!” She has worked as coordinator on high profile projects including: Kiana’s Flex Appeal, American Idol and Scooby Doo the movie. NEW! Rebecca will have a new story in Chicken Soup for the Soul for the New You / New Year!

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Blueberry Smile Pancakes

As a busy mom with 2 picky eaters, I am always trying to find FUN ways to get healthy foods into their favorite foods. Here are fun pancakes we make, my kids said they make them "SMILE." I add blueberries and make a cute smile face, you can also add nuts, raspberries, bananas for the nose, almonds for the teeth....The kids love it. And...when they help make it, they eat it!

I also add almonds and a handful of trail mix as crunchy options for more texture and protein. Hope you and your kids try this!

Friday, December 10, 2010


When I first heard of Muscle dysmorphia, I thought I'd heard everything. Muscle Dysmorphia is where men and women see a skinny/non-muscular person in the mirror, dispite the fact that they are extremely muscled. Now there is a new term: Drunkorexia. This is where people starve themselves all day so that they can "use" their calories to party all night. SAVING CALORIES:  In fitness, I use the concept of "saving your calories" to mean "avoid the high calorie foods you don't truly enjoy and use the calories eating what treat foods you want. Of course, this is AFTER eating nutritious foods and 5 Mini Meals all day long. In other words, if you LOVE chocolate: why eat a handful of chips when you could enjoy a piece of dark chocolate instead?" What are your thoughts on this frightening new craze that is hitting the college campuses?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Blogger's Butt

I truly believe that there is such thing as Blogger's Butt or Blogger's Body.

Okay. I love being active. I move, walk, jog, run 99% of my day. My kids make fun of me because they have to beg me to "just sit down." It is so hard for me to sit down, I always want to be doing something. Then I jumped on this Blogging craze. Now I am sitting, sitting, sitting. I am sitting so much, I can't stand it! I needed to find away to still blog for my readers but be my active self. I tried blogging while on our treadmill, exercise bike, you name it. Nothing worked. What does work is I set the timer to 30 minutes and get up every 30 minutes, do squats, jumping jacks and MOVE MY BODY!

Here is how to avoid Blogger's Body:

1. Get a Core Ball Chair. No I don't endorse this chair, I just love it. I bought one in black for the office and in purple for my home. All of my girlfriends and my immediate family have one.  I am ordering my hubby one for the office for Christmas, too.  The idea is that you are sitting on the fitness ball and are literally strengthening your core while you sit at your desk and type, work or blog. From a Fit Mom's POV, why not strengthen my midsection while I am blogging, right?

Plus you can get the kit and do arm exercises on it too.

AND, you can remove the ball altogether and Workout with Me on Fit Mom TV when we use the Ball!

[caption id="attachment_1938" align="aligncenter" width="285" caption="Order your Core Ball Chair with Removeable Fitness Ball!"][/caption]

2. Set the timer as I mentioned above.

3. As you blog, lift one leg and then the other to engage the lower abs.

4. Raise your computer so that the screen is eye level so you aren't looking downward, using poor posture.

5. Sit with your back straight, shoulder blades pulled back and pressed down, contracting your butt muscles (glutes.)

So fellow bloggers, set your timers, sit up straight and be active. And please Fit Mom Readers, remember all the sedentary risks we bloggers take to post daily blogs for you. That's all for now!.

Kiana's Mini Meals: Fruit Protein Smoothie to Go

Well I have done alot in my career. But now I can add something new to my resume...Book Fair Mom! Yes, I am the Book Fair Chairman for the Annual Book Fair at my daughter's school. It's so much fun but alot of work. I am running out the door right now and had to get both kids up and dressed, fed a healthy breakfast, both dogs fed and heads patted, 2 conference calls to the East Coast and....last but not least, MY BREAKFAST.

Here is my fast GO TO Mini Meal Breakfast:

1/2 c. soy or non fat milk

1 serving protein powder

1/2 frozen banana (peeled, halved and frozen by the dozen once per week)

handful frozen berries (Costco or Trader Joes)

Blend, put in to go cup....and Go

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sugar Junkie. Part 5. By Guest Blogger Rebecca Hill


How much time does a mom (or any woman) have for herself each day?

I asked several of my girlfriends this question. One of my friends answered, "None. A working mom is lucky if she has clean clothes to wear to work each day." Another friend said most days she only finds "about half an hour" for herself.

I was particularly moved by an anonymous email that Kiana and I received several weeks ago. Anonymous said:  "I really think my issue with food is that I just don’t care enough about myself. I sometimes think if I lived all alone I could handle the food, but when I have to cook and take the kids out to eat all the time, I can’t control myself. It’s (difficult) to carve out a life of my own among everyone else. Food helps me cope with the things in life I can’t seem to control. In my daily life, I end up feeling more like a maid, cook, and chauffeur, than I do myself."

I wonder if mothers are actually being "good moms" by putting everyone else first or if they're sending the wrong message to their children. I'm not a mother so if I’m off base, feel free to knock me off my soapbox, but in dealing with a needy child who won’t allow you to take a moment for yourself, I wonder if a positive way of replying might be, "I love you and am going to make sure I always take good care of you, but I also love myself and am going to make sure that I take care of myself too." My own mom gave me everything and put me first for 39 years, but time has shown that she has resentments about that. My father died suddenly and unexpectedly last year, and I really needed my mom. But, because she had given everything to me and sacrificed everything for me she had nothing left to give. She had no bandwidth for my grieving and carved out her new life quickly, far from anything that reminded her of her old life, including me. I finally understood that, by giving too much of herself for too long, she finally had nothing left to give. In hindsight, it would have been healthier for her to pace herself, to understand earlier on that a person must take care of themselves along the way, or the well may run dry too soon.

I took this as a cautionary tale. Whether you have children or not, it’s important to find at least a little time to put yourself first so that you don’t build up resentments and damage your body and soul by neglecting your own needs. I've struggled with this for years and when I've had jobs that were too demanding, I leaned on food to compensate for a lack of sleep. Not a good plan!

I'd like to propose a Holiday Challenge. Let’s open our minds to the possibility that we can find at least a little time for ourselves each day. I consulted Kiana and asked her to come up with "baby steps" that we could do over the next 4 weeks to help us regain our lives and sense of selves.

Kiana’s assignment for us this week is to FIND 5 MINUTES EACH DAY TO MEDITATE, PREFERABLY FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. She says, "You want to take yourself away in your mind. 'Taking yourself away' means envisioning you are somewhere you want to be, with anyone you want, or all by yourself. For me, I envision myself sitting alone on a white sandy beach where the sand is like powder, the ocean is clear and turquoise blue. There is no one on the beach for miles. All I see is the ocean gently crashing onto the white sand and I feel a warm, balmy breeze and hear birds in the distant background. I sit there in my mind and get to enjoy completing my own thoughts."

If you're like me, you may have trouble sitting completely still for a minute (much less 5) so I'm going to include a mp3 of my husband's song, * "Quiet Time" in this blog to help guide you and time your experience. This song is exactly 4 minutes and 13 seconds long so I want you to find a comfortable place and "take yourself away" for the duration of this song. If you feel your mind wandering, gently bring your thoughts back to your breath. Just feel yourself breath in and out. Relax, concentrate on your breathing, and visualize something peaceful.

** Oprah said, "You will be surprised by the discipline that comes from doing (meditation) on a regular basis, how your life begins to unfold for you differently. I call it 'centering up for myself.'"

If it's good enough for Kiana and Oprah - it's good enough for me!

5 minutes of meditation each day this week. Let me know how it goes, okay?
Click to enjoy: Quiet Time
* "Quiet Time" is on CAUFIELD's CD, "Leave Tonight." CAUFIELD is a harmony duo comprised of American singer-songwriter, Tom Caufield, and German vocalist, Yasmine Tanriverdi.

** To read Oprah's full article on mediation, please visit

Rebecca Hill is the author of “Confessions of an Innkeeper” and “Don’t You Worry, Don’t You Cry.” Her writing has appeared in Redbook Magazine and she frequently contributes to Chicken Soup for the Soul. Her most recent story appeared in the new Chicken Soup for the Soul book, “Thanks, Mom!” She has worked as coordinator on high profile projects including: Kiana’s Flex Appeal, American Idol and Scooby Doo the movie.

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