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Sunday, August 29, 2010
Fit Mom Angel vs. Fit Mom Devil
Here is an image of my Fit Angel:
In movies, we see the "angel" and "devil" on the actor's shoulders, trying to persuade them what to do.
I hear these Fit Mom Angel and Not so Fit Mom Devil voices talking to me, especially when there is the last piece of uber rich, 7 layer chocolate cake on the plate at my favorite restaurant that is calling my name....
Fit Mom Angel vs. Fit Mom Devil
In church this morning the sermon was regarding "signs." Of course, it was re: finding your way in reference to God. However, it also made me relate the concept of "signs" to health and fitness. I have the gift of relating everything to fitness....oh and shopping.
Here is an image of my Fit Angel:
In movies, we see the "angel" and "devil" on the actor's shoulders, trying to persuade them what to do.
I hear these Fit Mom Angel and Not so Fit Mom Devil voices talking to me, especially when there is the last piece of uber rich, 7 layer chocolate cake on the plate at my favorite restaurant that is calling my name....
Here is the dialogue:
Fit Mom Angel: "Take 1 tiny bite or none. Only if it's 1 tiny bite. But, you know how you are, Kiana, sometimes you take 1 bite and then it's all over and you eat the whole piece and then you'll feel so guilty.You are making such great progress and are looking leaner and stronger. Don't take that first bite. Just get up, walk away from the cake and no one gets hurt."
Fit Mom Devil: "Oh just eat it already. You know you want it! It will be so sweet and gooey. You look great, don't be so vain. You can workout harder tomorrow. Eating is one of the pleasures in life. Sugar gets a bad rap. I think anyone on their deathbed wishes they'd have eaten MORE chocolate. Oh, just eat it already, Fat Mom, Kiana."
My inner dialogue is harsh. Funny, but true.
Here is what I do when I am tempted by contradicting signs.
1. Distraction: when you are tempted to eat something that you will regret, distract yourself. Any way, any how. Put on lip gloss, people watch, have the waiter take the plate away, have your hubby eat it. Sometimes if I just look around the restaurant at the interesting people, I forget about it and the urge passes. I do the same thing with shopping. I put it on hold and if I am still obsessing about it 48 hours later, I'll buy it.
2. Out of site, out of mind: I don't keep junk food on the countertops, put it out of site. In my family, they eat what is out: I will keep bowls of healthy colorful fruit, multi grain crackers, almonds, trail mix and pita chips on the counter. In the refrigerator, I always have hummus, mini carrot sticks, low fat fage yogurt, string cheese and sliced apples in the front mid way between "adult and kid eye level."
3. Vanity: if I am going to a dinner party, work related or red carpet event or reception, I'll eat a substantial healthy snack that includes lean protein and a little fat; such as some string cheese, a few slices of grilled chicken and a piece of fruit. I will eat something substantial to fill me up with nutritious foods. This way when I get to the party, I am full and not tempted to eat all the fattening appetizers. On a vanity level (hey whatever works), if you aren't eating messy foods, you won't mess up your lipstick.
So, FIT Moms, get a grip. Out smart that Fit Mom Devil voice. Put the Fit Mom Angel on a pedestal.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The 1 thing every Fit Mom needs....
Time. The 1 thing every Fit Mom needs
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Fit Mom Kiana Cereal Cookies
If your family is anything like mine, for some reason there are "almost empty boxes of cereal" in the pantry. It's as if they eat the last bit they will have to physically do "extra work" and "throw the boxes away!?" Aggravating... but that's another blog altogether. lol.
Here is the recipe:
Here is what I do with the "left over" cereal. I Make Fit Mom Kiana Cereal Cookies! It's a "healthier" alternative to cookies and is a real treat with "less guilt." It's a good basic recipe that you can add anything to! Enjoy!
Fit Mom Kiana Cereal Cookies Recipe
Mix together:
1 cube butter of margarine - cream in bowl
Add 1 cup Splenda or Stevia equivalent
Add 1 egg
Add 1 tsp. vanilla
Sift together in separate bowl:
Add 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
Add 3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
Add to flour and baking soda / dry ingredients:
2-3 cups leftover cereal (the healthier the better!)
Mix wet and dry ingredients together. Mix well.
Add Optional:
bits of dark chocolate 70% cocoa bar (yummy anti oxidants), raisins, almonds (extra protein), walnuts, trail mix, dried cranberries...
Bake: 350 degrees
12-15 minutes
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Flab to Fab!
Flab to Fab!
Plyometric exercises are really fun. They incorporate leaping, bounding and jumping movements and increase muscle speed and power. They are easy to do anywhere-even at the beach! Best of all, they are fun to do and it's like being a kid again! Enjoy!
Video: CBS Health: Flab to Fab Workout
CBS Health: "Flab to Fab" Workout: Plyometrics: leaping, bounding and jumping movements and increase muscle speed and power. They are easy to do anywhere-even at the beach! Best of all, they are fun to do and it's like being a kid again! Enjoy!
Where are her parents?
The scene: I was at the grocery store with my kids. Buying a few things for Taco Tuesday: Extra lean ground turkey, whole wheat tortillas, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. The grocery store was very crowded and we tried to find the line with the least # of people. We went to checkout #4.
As we walked up to the checkout stand,
Where are her parents?
I am sooooo upset. I have to share this with all of you, my millions of Fit Moms. I hope you can help me make sense of what I saw today at the market.
The scene: I was at the grocery store with my kids. Buying a few things for Taco Tuesday: Extra lean ground turkey, whole wheat tortillas, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. The grocery store was very crowded and we tried to find the line with the least # of people. We went to checkout #4.
As we walked up to the checkout stand,
I looked to see who was in front of me, it was a little girl about 9 years old. She was shopping alone. She was very over weight. When she raised her arms to lift her cart up to the the checker, her shirt pulled up to reveal her tummy that hung way over her shorts. She was 9.
On the checkout stand, she put the following "foods:"
- XL 2 gallon generic brand ice cream chocolate
- 3 cans of whipped cream
- 3 Pizza Pockets
- 2 bags frozen Mashed Potatoes
- 2 bags generic brand frozen pigs in blanket
- 3 bags frozen french fries
- 4 packages of chocolate chip cookies
- 3 liters of regular Coke
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