Fit Mom Approved

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nurse Kiana

Hi Fit Moms!  I'm back from being Nurse Kiana!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. My kiddes and husband were out sick with that flu going around. Guess I didn't want to be left out on the "fun" so I caught it too. I am sure you can all relate... I hardly ever got sick until I had kids. Now they bring home arts, crafts and germs from school. Wish I had a bubble to keep them in!  Anyway, it's pouring rain here today. I decided to do a challenging workout in my home gym. Try this workout, it only takes 20 minutes and tightens your entire upper body and arms!

Here is one of my favorite workouts! It's convenient to do at home since you only need hand weights. This workout is very challenging since push ups strengthen your chest and shoulders. Your arms will feel like sugar free jello.

Chest & Shoulders Supersets

Do 1 set of each exercise, moving immediately from one exercise to the next without resting in between sets. Use a lighter weight to warm up and gradually increase the amount of weight used. Tip: Your maximum weight used should equal 65% of your 1 rep. max.


10-15 reps per movement
1-2 circuits
Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Traditional Push ups: max reps, perfect form
Seated shoulder presses

Incline bench press
Side lateral raises

Push ups feet up behind you
Rear delt flys

Close hand push ups
Front raises

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better. Hope it wasn't the stomach one going around. If you develop that bubble I'll join in. I hate those back to school germs.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts & comments with other Moms in 96 countries! Mom on a mission, Kiana Tom / Founder

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