On October 27 I celebrated my 41st birthday! I am thrilled to still be here and feeling good at 41 so that was reason to celebrate; however, my birthday did bring up a big question. No, not the meaning of life (I know many people start to contemplate that as they get into their 40s and 50s) but that's not the big question I faced. The big question I faced was, "Can I handle eating a single cupcake on my birthday without it starting a food rampage?" I really (REALLY!) like cake. In particular, I like white cake with white frosting. Learning from past disasters I knew I could not handle having an entire cake in our home so my husband, Tom, and I decided we would just go out and buy me a single cupcake on my birthday.
Because eating one cupcake often leads to me eating a dozen cupcakes I was nervous about this plan. I reached out to Kiana on the morning of my birthday and she suggested that I get a "cupcake made with stevia which is a natural plant extract. Tastes exactly like sugar and no after effects....Now only if they had a similar fix for wine....." I loved that suggestion and headed to Whole Foods. At the bakery the employee explained that their healthy cupcakes are made with fruit juices not stevia. I was so worked up for a cupcake that I knew a cupcake made with sugar juice wasn't going to do it for me. I thought about going to a "normal bakery" but fortunately was deterred because I had a massage booked. After my birthday massage, I got pressed for time. Tom and I went out to dinner and I opened all of my presents (all the while thinking about the cupcake. I had decided that finding a cupcake made with stevia was going to be too difficult (I give up easy when it comes to sugar and cupcakes) so I decided that Tom and I would go to Suzy's Cakes in our Brentwood neighborhood and buy me one REALLY GOOD cupcake! I told Tom this plan and he agreed it was reasonable. (I knew I would not be in danger if Tom was with me because I never eat 6 cupcakes in front of other people; that kind of behavior is reserved for when I'm alone in my car.) So, we got dressed - went out and (cue the horror music) found out that Suzy's Cakes had already closed for the evening! There is a good yogurt store next to Suzy's cake in Brentwood so we got yogurt instead. I act like a normal person when it comes to yogurt and ice cream so I could be trusted there. Crisis averted! (and I had a great birthday!)
My next challenge is universal to all sugar addicts - Halloween! As always, I went to Woodland Hills to take my little friends Allie & Billy trick-or-treating. (Allie dressed up as Elvis. Billy was Bruce Springsteen. And I was their "backstage security officer.") I had a plan. (HAD being the key word in that sentence.) Through discussions at my Weight Watchers meeting, I knew that a Blow-Pop lollipop and a few small tootsie-rolls would be good choices for me in terms of their calorie counts. I also knew from past research that as far as candy goes, Peppermint Pattys are the least evil of the candy bars. I knew this but when I saw all of the Butterfingers, Snickers and Twix bars, I lost my mind! I started eating without thinking. I unconsciously unwrapped and ate at least 30 candy bars while carving a pumpkin. My first thought was "these are just minature bars - they can't cause too much trouble." Then I stopped thinking all together and just kept eating. Within an hour, little Billy and I both acknowledged having stomach aches while Allie (and their parents!) looked at Billy and me in bewilderment. See, that's how things go wrong. I stop thinking and just keep eating! This is why a food journal is crucial to my success. There are people (like Kiana and my husband, Tom) who just naturally monitor themselves and how much food they are eating. But I need to write down what I'm eating in order to stay conscious of what I'm doing.
So, my birthday went well. Halloween was very fun but not a victory in terms of incorporating a healthy lifestyle and reasonable, moderate consumptions of treats into my celebration. Guess I should have policed myself better (see attached photo) - ha ha!
Well, it's a new day - and I'm off to my Weight Watcher's class. Hope all of y'all had a Happy Halloween! Did anyone have an experience similar to mine on Halloween? Did anyone do better/ have more success at having fun while still staying on track in terms of their sugar consumption? Kiana and I would both love for you to share your stories here on the Fit Mom TV website. We want to hear from you because we're all in this together!
Rebecca Hill is the author of "Confessions of an Innkeeper" and "Don't You Worry, Don't You Cry." Her writing has appeared in Redbook Magazine and she frequently contributes to Chicken Soup for the Soul. Her most recent story appeared in the new Chicken Soup for the Soul book, "Thanks, Mom!"

While I don't fight the exact same battle as Rebecca and sugar, this story sounds all to familiar when it comes to carbs. I LOVE carbs. Potato chips, french fries, baked potatoes and my favorite -- white rice. I have little tricks here and there that have helped me portion control. One is when I think about how many bar method classes I'll need to take to burn whatever I'm eating off. For anyone who's been to bar -- it's tough! Another one is trying to fill up on other foods like protein so I literally don't have any more room for carbs. I still cheat here and there, but I think in the long run it's better to cheat a little bit rather than hold out until you can't take it anymore and then gorge.
ReplyDeleteAs I sat reading this, I realized I had already raided my kid's leftover halloween candy twice in the past hour!!! I know just how you feel, Rebecca! And curse you for bringing up white cake with white icing(MY ALLTIME FAVORITE BINGE FOOD!) Now I'm going to have to make another Publix Bakery run.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could say my Halloween went differently from yours, Rebecca, but sadly, it did not. Although from all outward appearances I lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy weight, in reality I face all the same food struggles that you face. What the world sees is a person with the willpower to run 35 to 50 miles a week, drink gallons of water, sleep the recommended 8 hours a night, cross train, as well as follow a vegetarian, all natural diet. What I see is the same person, but with the added talent of consuming large quantities of sugar while no one is looking. I am a master at eating in the car, after everyone goes to bed, in the pantry, or anywhere else I can find. All while plotting to hide the evidence (candy wrappers, cake box, icecream tub). Sometimes I feel like such a hyprocrite! Why can I have the discipline to run marathons, but not have the discipline to walk away from sugar? I do have some victories. I sometimes go weeks, even a month or two without giving in. Unfortunately, it never lasts. Maybe writing about this will help. One can always hope!
ReplyDeleteRebecca, I can relate!! I like cupcakes SO much my husband nicknamed me "CUPCAKE"! When I decide to "fight the battle of sugar" I use spicey food to curb my sugar craving AND working out really hard strengthens my resolve to eat well and see some results for my exercise effort.
ReplyDeleteBTW--if you want to bring me out to Hawaii to be "The Biggest Loser Mommy"--I'll make the time! My tummy fat roll is making my boobs look small. It's time to get this under control! I like to pretend if I don't look at the fat roll it's not there....but it IS! DANG!!!
ReplyDeleteRoxy - I'm impressed that your kids still have leftover Halloween candy (they wouldn't if I was there mom!) And, Liz - thanks so much for weighing in with your thoughts on how to handle cravings ...we're all in this together so I think it's great for us all to "keep talking " via this blog. KIANA - thanks so much for giving us this blog forum to discuss all of this! - Rebecca
ReplyDeleteKiana Tom:
ReplyDeleteHello Rebecca and Fit Mom Friends!
I am so very moved by the sharing comments on Rebecca's Sugar Junkie Blog. Extremely enlightening - as to what you are going through.
I am researching the issues for you via some of the experts in those fields. I will be posting some information to hopefully help you and millions of other women, conquer this. I empathize with all of you so much and am thankful Rebecca shed light on this very important topic.
I will help you!
Kiana Tom
Founder FitMomTV.com
Kiana's Flex Appeal ESPN / FOX Sports
Careen - I like the tip about using "spicy foods" to curb the sugar battle. Will definitely try that - thanks for the suggestion! :-) Rebecca
ReplyDeleteCathy - I hear you about "sneaking foods." The one time I've lied to my husband, Tom, is when he found a McDonald's receipt (that showed a large fry, a cheeseburger (this is when I was still eating meat) and a diet coke). Despite the fact that Tom was HOLDING the receipt, I denied having gone to McDonalds. (Tom was in my purse looking for quarters to do laundry, btw - he was not "looking" for evidence of my behavior.) I insisted for over 5 minutes that I had not been to McDonald's - and then finally said, "Oh yes, wait - no I remember ...I did go to McDonald's but I bought the cheeseburger and fries for a homeless man and I drank the Diet Coke." ...needless to say that was a low, low day - lying to Tom AND blaming a ( fictitious homeless man.) Oh brother...I had forgotten about that (that was about 10 years ago). Anyway, thank you for your honesty Cathy and keep up the running and the healthy eating! 35-50 miles of running/ week!?! Wow! You rock!!!
ReplyDeleteKiana - I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to have this blog. I too am moved by the comments other women have made (and don't feel so alone now.) Looking forward to your ongoing tips on how we can conquer this. We love you!!! :-) Rebecca
ReplyDeleteHi Liz: I can understand about the cravings & control issue. Mine is shopping. I buy something and feel great. You eat carbs, you feel better. The important thing to notice is that "feeling great or better" is only for that moment. The "guilt" lasts for hours, days, weeks? Maybe it's just me. The way I handle it and the way perhaps you could try is are the following:
ReplyDelete#1. Do NOT buy any of the unhealthy types of foods that you don't want to eat.
My philosophy is if the kids want it, tough. I will not buy packaged cookies, candy, etc. even though they beg me for it. It's too tempting for Moms, dads and kids. IF you buy it, it WILL be eaten.
Plus, if chips, fries, etc are a challenge for you - don't order them at restaurants or buy them AT ALL. Having tempting foods in front of you makes it harder on YOU. It places you in a challenging position and raising kids is a challenge already, right?
My philosophy is "if it's not there, you can't eat it."
Shortest road to quick fix: don't buy it.
If mom isn't feeling good about herself.... you know the rest.
#2. Pick you situations. Do NOT put yourself in a situation of temptation. Avoid types of parties or social gatherings that center around foods that tempt you: Stay away from tail gate parties. (i.e., I do not go to social parties where they sell jewelry, clothing, etc.)
#3. "Cook once, eat 3 times." I ALWAYS eat a super healthy mini meal before I attend any social event or go out for the day for that matter. I fill up on foods I control and select. Use my "Mini Meal" plan (coming out soon) that outlines simple meals you can prepare ahead of time for yourself and your family. The concept is to cook your regular healthy meals and set aside 2 mini meals for the next day(s).
If you are on the full side, you won't be as tempted to head right to the food.
Hope this is helpful.
We can do this!
Kiana Tom
Host & Founder FitMomTV.com
Roxy: Don't go to Publix Bakery! Food for thought: White sugar goes immediately to the thighs. True story.
CB: You must share the "CB Cheeseburger Story" again with everyone.
ReplyDeleteAll joking aside, I never knew that Cheeseburgers were a "real issue" and thought it was your quick wit and sense of humor.
Having been in the health and fitness industry for 20 years and eating healthfully since a kid, I recommend you re think exactly what over eating eating does for you. Specifically "how" does it "comfort" you in a way a friend, loved one would not?
If we analyze over eating like alcoholism, alcoholics are told to phone someone when the temptation hits them. Perhaps we could create a Fit Mom Community where we all call eachother when we are tempted by our vices? What do you think?
That is funny, Careen! Remember if you increase your cardio. and eat less calories, you will lose excess fat. It's a daily effort......
ReplyDeleteI am working on getting Fit Mom TV up and running!!!
Tips to stop cravings:
ReplyDeleteTry and figure out what triggers the desire to over eat, over drink, over shop. When you feel the emotions come over you, call someone and discuss your feelings.
Don't buy what you don't want to eat.
If you slip up, don't beat yourself up.
Get enough sleep. Your mind and body are weak when you're tired. You're likely over eat if you are tired i.e., mid afternoon slump.
Workout in the a.m.: if you workout, you will make better choices all day. This really works.
"1 or none" is what I tell my kids (and big kids.) If you can't stop at 1 don't even do that to yourself.
Substitute: Crunchy foods: mini carrots, bell peppers, baked chips, baked sweet potatoes, cucumbers. Soft food like pudding: FAGE yogurt, cottage cheese, apple sauce.
Distract yourself: We do that with the kids, why not ourselves? As soon as you start grabbing for the chips, divert yourself "Danger Danger Ms. (Wil) Robinson."
Also try and eat protein with every meal. Increased protein intake has shown to reduce sugar cravings. Kiana
ReplyDeleteThanks Rebecca-Love you too! And LOVE reading the comments from all the women/moms out there! I think this will grow into a Fit Mom Community where we can all support eachother and help give each other strength!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm working on it! I like that !
ReplyDeleteHere are my Fit Mom Thoughts on Halloween Candy:
ReplyDelete1. NEVER buy it ahead of time. Come on...we all know what happens. "Oh it's for the kids." Right. Save yourself, outsmart yourselves, do NOT buy it.
2. This Halloween, I made my kids roll their eyes, "oh Mommy, do you always have to be Mommy Fitness, can't you buy the big candy like all the other Moms." Ummm, no I cannot.... and handed out toothbrushes. My hubby and I thought it was funny and a useful gift. The parents loved it. And, I'll bet the kids still use them!
3. I let my kids eat all the candy they can that night after trick or treating. Then I dump the rest. After 20+ years of using my "cheat day" method (eating healthfully for 6 days and on the 7th day eating whatever I want) this works. I found that the consistent eating of good or bad foods is what you will get: fit or unfit.
Very moving comment Cathy. Curious do you binge or just eat and then run it off? My doctor has told me that often our bodies crave what we need. Could it be that you are doing so much cardio and eating so clean that your body needs more calories? What if you add 2 more mini meals to your day or a couple higher calorie drinks/food? Just a thought. Please let us all know how you are doing. Yours in Fit Momminess, Kiana