We are casting for the best of the best. The cream of the crop. The fittest men and women in the country to be Kiana's training partners and cast members on the long awaited Kiana's Flex Appeal remake...
Age | Target HR Zone 50–85 % | Average Maximum Heart Rate 100 % |
20 years | 100–170 beats per minute | 200 beats per minute |
25 years | 98–166 beats per minute | 195 beats per minute |
30 years | 95–162 beats per minute | 190 beats per minute |
35 years | 93–157 beats per minute | 185 beats per minute |
40 years | 90–153 beats per minute | 180 beats per minute |
45 years | 88–149 beats per minute | 175 beats per minute |
50 years | 85–145 beats per minute | 170 beats per minute |
55 years | 83–140 beats per minute | 165 beats per minute |
60 years | 80–136 beats per minute | 160 beats per minute |
65 years | 78–132 beats per minute | 155 beats per minute |
70 years | 75–128 beats per minute | 150 beats per minute |
© 2011 Kiana Tom Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. All videos and images posted on this site remain the property of Kiana Tom Productions, Inc. Disclaimer: Consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Neither Kiana Tom or anyone associated with Kiana Tom Productions, Kiana's Fit Mom TV, www.kiana.com or www.fitmomtv.com, will be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at your home, gym or elsewhere. Opinions expressed here may not be in agreement with those of Kiana Tom Productions, Kiana's Flex Appeal, Kiana's Fit Mom TV, Kiana's Store, www.kiana.com, www.fitmomtv.com and their employees including Kiana Tom. The above parties are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury or health condition that may occur through following the opinions expressed here.